The eclipse period ended with the New Moon Solar Eclipse yesterday. This period represents a sacred point where we can think about how our life has changed and our next steps. It’s an opportunity to charge our destiny and excel in life.

In fact, we now have three planets in retrograde – Pluto, Saturn, and Mercury. Now Jupiter, the planet of expansion, growth, and luck, will retrograde on June 20. Things are happening to make us slow down and go inward. It’s time to review, reflect, reassess.

To help you reflect, I’m using the probes that Tony Robbins taught in his workshop last weekend. These questions will help you discover your passion. Ask yourself: What do you love? What do you hate? What are you passionate about? What do you really want? What drives you in life? Afterwards, reflect on two decisions you’ve made in the past that have positively changed your life and how they changed your life for the better.

If you can find the time to ask yourself these questions and in the process, try to dig deep into your soul’s longing. After the process, you may get to see all the support you need to move forward And now, make two decisions that you can commit to and ask how they will powerfully improve your life forever.

Do take advantage of the Gemini energy that we are in right now.

We’re tapping into self-expression and speaking our truth, encouraging us to think deeply to figure out what thoughts are true and what thoughts stem from our fears.

I’m sharing this chanting meditation that I taught in the Prayers and Blessings class yesterday. Do this if you want to truly want to change your destiny and excel in your life despite all your perceived deficiencies. It’s a little bit challenging because you’ll be holding your arms up for some time.

Here’s how to do it:

Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight. Interlace all ten fingers over your head so that your arms become a halo around it. Make the halo as round as you can. The height is neither up too high nor so low that it touches your head. Concentrate at your navel

Chant the Mul mantra: Ek Ong KarSat NamKartaa PurkhaNirbaho, NirvairAkaal MooratAjoonee, SaibhangGurprasadJap! Aad SuchJugaad SuchHaibhee SuchNanak Hosee Bhee Such

The Mul Mantra is the highest of all mantras, and it will help awaken your consciousness. Do this for 11 minutes and to end, inhale, hold briefly, exhale, and relax the arms. If you want to move towards the direction of your next steps, do this every day for 31 minutes a day for 15 days.

As part of this exercise, why not join us for the ongoing series on Prayers and Blessings? Bring friends too! You know what they say about groups coming together in prayer. Let’s see what comes of it in this exciting time.

In loving service,

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