Some of you know that I’m making home improvements, which I call my ‘peace and quiet’ project. The high-rise condominium-hotel construction next to my building is in full swing, and the noise has become unbearable. Can you believe the company obtained a permit to do work from midnight onwards?

I’ve been asking around about how to soundproof my place.
Last October, I’ve decided to replace my aluminum frame windows with PVC (polyvinyl chloride). PVC is more dense than aluminum and offers better soundproofing, and they block dust and other pollutants from entering. It took more than 45 days to fabricate the windows. And now, it’s done and ready for delivery and installation tomorrow.

I’ve been clearing things up to make space for the workers to move around. The upside is I’m letting go of a lot of stuff! I’ve discovered that I can be quite a hoarder, especially when it comes to shoes! I found never worn shoes with price tags on them.

Most of my clothes went to the victims of Typhoon Ulysses and the expecting mothers of Grace to Be Born while my sister’s school got most of my books. Marie Kondo is right! It feels good to tidy up and de-clutter, space clear and release all sorts of energies.

The downside to this project is that everything is adding up. To make space, I had to pull out a sofa for re-upholstery, carpets for cleaning, a side table for refurbishing, lampshades for re-covering. And after the windows are installed, I want to give the walls a fresh coat.

Clearing space, carpets being pulled out

I usually plan my expenses. That means for this project, I dipped into my savings and now need to replenish it.

I’ve revisited my website, and I’ve started doing what I’m recommending people to do – the Be Prosperous 7-day Practice.

It’s a free challenge and quite timely since it begins with a goal setting exercise.

As it says in 2015 when I set up the website, “You don’t want more money for the sake of having more money, that in itself is empty. You want more freedom, more opportunities; you want that because you want to feel a certain way. And so in knowing what you want to feel, you can clarify what you really want.”If you want to check it out, go to the site and click the Raise your Energy to Prosperity 7-day program.

I’ll be teaching two classes again this Sunday.
An online meditation class via zoom to Trigger the Positive Mind at 10:00 am and Breathe your Dreams to Life at 2:30 pm at Anam Cara (zoom available). If you want to take advantage of the forthcoming 12:12 energy, I will be teaching a Rebirthing class on December 12 at 10:00 am.

We are three Live Heal Bloom letters away to the end of this challenging year. And for all that we couldn’t do this year, let’s see what we can do to really claim 2021 as truly ours. May the practice soothe you and pave the way for exciting possibilities for you.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



Learn a simple practice designed to release your energetic blocks so you can start attracting more prosperity into your life.

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