After a series of classes and a workshop with Tarn Taran Kaur and her husband last week, I am reminded of why I have embarked on this journey of becoming a Kundalini Yoga teacher. I aim to cultivate the inner strength to deal with the coming intense period and help inspire others to do so as well.
We are now entering into a new era.
We are witnessing power structures crumble. People are now taking to the streets to protest. Hong Kong started with the extradition bill in June, Indonesia against the new criminal code outlawing sex before marriage, Ecuador against the cancellation of fuel subsidies, Chile against the 4-cent hike in subway fares, Netherland farmers against shutting down cattle farms, Lebanon against tax on Whatsapp messages, Bolivia against electoral fraud, Spain against jailing the Catalan leaders seeking independence and the list goes on. Even the youth, led by 16-year old Greta Thurnberg is out in the streets to take part in climate strikes. The bottom line is, people are now demanding change.

The youth calling for action against climate change.

Ongoing demonstration in Hong Kong.
As we transition into this new era called the Aquarian Age from 2011 through 2038, humanity would suffer from a phenomenon called Cold Depression. The period is described it as “Emptiness, insanity, and pain shall be everybody’s affair. People will like to hit walls to find out where they can go. They shall come to you. As insane as they are. If you do not take away their pain and instead you sit in judgment, you are wrong people”.
Cold Depression is when we are cut off from our spirit, source, strength and inner guidance. Yogi Bhajan warned that we would find ourselves insensitive to our own mind and sense of self. We would not feel the onslaught of depression for it is “cold” and numb. This coldness will lead to inner anger and isolation from our soul. At its core, this depression range from a deep sense of loneliness, to a prevailing sense of anxiety and a loss of meaning. He called this, “The Silence of the Soul.” This depression is brought on by an overload of information, too much stress, and not enough connection to the Earth’s vibration.
All of us will be affected by the impact of the pressure of these times. We need the power of our frequency.
That’s why Kundalini Yoga is so important to restore the nervous and glandular systems and release old stress response patterns from the body to become stable and calm.
I’m sharing the meditation that we did yesterday in class:
Sit in easy pose, in a comfortable cross-legged position with a straight spine. Interlace your fingers so that the fingertips press into the cavities between the fingers on the back of each hand. The index fingers are straight up, pressed together along their length. Thumbs cross each other comfortably. hands are held at chest level. The eyes are open, focused at the tip of the nose.
Chant the mantra Wahe Guru Wahe Jio from your navel point, creating a mental focus in this way. At the sound of Wa focus at the navel point; He focus at the chest; Guru focus at the lips. Follow the same sequence and rhythm for the next line, Wahe Jio. Continue for 3 minutes building up to 31 minutes.
To end, inhale and hold. Listen to the sound of the mantra. Exhale. Inhale, hold and give back all the cold depression to God. Exhale. Inhale, hold and feel the preciousness of life. Let it go through your exhalation. Relax.
With Christmas upon us, it seems like more people suffering from depression than ever before.
Maybe it’s because of the pressure to be ‘happy’. If you or you know anyone who is dealing with depression and anxiety do invite them to the three-week Release Cold Depression series which will be held every Thursday until November 28.
Remember that part of letting go is acknowledging the moment for what it is. When you own your truth, you make way for a higher truth — and that’s where happiness lies.
In loving service,