Hello from the mountains of Busay, Cebu!
I’m here for a weekend of Kundalini Yoga and Gong Baths as organized by Gassho Healing Arts Center. This is the perfect setting to work on making plans for 2020.
It’s funny how my past life creeps back in. November used to be the month when we do corporate planning and budgets for the next year. And now here I am, doing the same thing but on a personal level.
The steps and terms are somehow similar. Goal setting is now intention setting and vision, is to connect to your heart to get in touch with what you’ve always dreamt of doing. SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats) analysis is narrowed down to recogize fears and to release the old, the past hurts and wounds. As Les Brown says, “Too many of us are not living our drams because we are living our fears.”
This weekend is like a strategic planning of sorts, where the sets are designed to help access the weaknesses and threats to be able to move forward with strength, compassion and wisdom for next year. The difference is, I am using the technology of Kundalini Yoga and sound healing. I brought the planetary gong Chiron for this weekend. The sound vibrates at a level that allows for healing of old, difficult wounds that spans generations and even lifetimes.
If you’re in Cebu, join us! Here’s the schedule for the weekend:

Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath in Cebu on November 23 at Soul Sierra and November 24 at Asmara Urban Resort
Serendipitously, the timing is great as we enter Sagittarius, the time of the year where we can channel our passion and sense of purpose.
Sagittarius is about adventure, idealism, to take risks and go after what we want. Unlike last month’s where we faced our shadows in Scorpio, this month is a good time to reflect on what we truly want in life, what excites us, what feels purposeful and what new adventures we can do to serve our growth.
Dare to make big plans for 2020. The year adds up to a 4, 2 + 0 + 2 +0 = 4, which is all about breakthrough in a sea of obstacles. 4 is the number of organization and work; how things work, making things work, and working towards something that means a lot to you.
As the year ends, take a break from your day to day responsibilities and use this period to set your dreams, and dream big! Release what ever is holding you back so you can make a firm commitment in 2020 to attain your dreams.
I’ll be back in time for Monday’s Free Yourself from Festive Stress Kundalini Yoga, and it will be back to our regular classes and gong baths at Rebel Yoga Manila and Anam Cara. I’ll also be holding a Scent and Sound Healing session for Completing your Goals on December 15, which would help you in making a step towards your goals.
Take a deep breath, seize opportunities, and don’t let what’s left of the year run you over.
In loving service,