Suddenly, it’s October! Next week, a Solar Eclipse will occur on October 3 at 2:49 AM PHT in Libra. According to astrologers, this celestial event may open doors to new opportunities and provide insights into the fruits of our efforts over the past six months.

Quantum healer Meg Benedicte states, “Eclipses act as major catalysts in life, triggering sudden change and course corrections. We are navigating through an Eclipse portal during the final days of Pluto at 29° Capricorn, marking the conclusion of the patriarchal era. This alignment is unique and will not occur again in our lifetimes.”

The effects of an eclipse can resonate a month before and after it takes place, which means we may already be sensing the new beginnings that lie ahead. This upcoming eclipse is also tied to the Aries Solar Eclipse from April; any intentions set during that time are likely to come to fruition now.

I’m sharing this meditation that harnesses the energy of this solar eclipse, empowering you to shift the universal psyche.

This meditation involves chanting the mantra “Aap Sahaaee Hoaa” in a special way that guides energy from your body to the ethers and back again.

Here’s how to do it: Sit comfortably with a straight spine, resting your wrists on your knees, and touch your index fingers and thumbs together. Close your eyes. As you chant “Aap Sahaaee Hoaa,” visualize the sound current rising from your mid-back upwards. When you chant “Sachay Daa, Sachaa Dhoaa,” imagine this energy expanding into the ethers. With each “Har Har Har,” pull your navel in, allowing energy from the infinite to flow into your heart center, cleansing and revitalizing it.

As you become more attuned to this practice and create a wheel of energy, envision placing within that wheel everything you wish to manifest—be it a soulmate, a child, a car, or a new job.

As we approach this potent Solar Eclipse, take a moment to reflect on your journey and set your intentions for the future. This is a unique opportunity to release what no longer serves you and to welcome new beginnings with open hearts. Trust in the transformative power of this eclipse, allowing it to guide you on your highest path. Embrace the change, remain anchored in your intentions, and watch as the universe unveils its magic in your life. Here’s to new beginnings and a brighter future!

in loving service,


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