2020 holds a frequency of brilliant new opportunities.
In numerology the new year 2020 adds up to a 4 (2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4) which is all about breakthroughs in a sea of obstacles. 4 is the number of organization, how things work, making things work and working towards something that means a lot to you.

If you look at the angel number meaning of 4 it says “[it] is an indication that your angels are offering you love, support, encouragement, and inner strength, enabling you to do what you need to do and achieve your goals with diligence and proficiency. When you take positive action towards your highest intentions, aspirations, and goals, the Universe works in your favor and helps you to establish solid foundations and advance you along your path.”

Tarn Taran Kaur has said that “2020 will magnify expansive shifts so now is a great time to create your stable base so you can receive and utilize these energies for prosperity and growth. 2 in tantra numerology represents duality, negative tension. This can either move blocks or bring destruction. So 2020 could manifest as double duality. If you can establish your stability, you will be surprised what will be brought to you with ease. The year 2020 is a 4 and with the number 4, you can cancel out duality and open up to creative abundance. The 4 holds potential, which is unlocked by service. Service and nurturing authentic connections with others creates harmony within yourself and around you.”

The new year 2020 is a very powerful number infused with positive energy which can unlock significant opportunities in life. It is important let go of any remaining emotional baggage that’s holding you back, including old intentions, unfinished business, anything you have put off and should have done yesterday, regrets, unexpressed communication, attachments to disappointments, unmanifested dreams, persisting bad habits and so on.

New Year, new beginnings.

As you reset and move into 2020 with clarity, you may want to plant the seeds to join the KRI Level One Aquarian Teacher Training in the Philippines to be led by Tarn Taran Kaur in October. It’s the best thing I ever did in 2014 and it may help you in your own personal transformation.

I’d like to thank you for taking the time out of the break to read this. You are one of many who made an amazing year. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you all and am excited to welcome 2020 and the opportunities of change and transformation that it brings.

To the seasons past, and to the new year!

See you when I get back!

In loving service,

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