Hello from Alcalali!
The sun is out and the almond trees are now blooming in pink and white colors! Alcalali is a small town in the province of Alicante, northeast of Spain.

It took me some time to get here: 2.5 hours from Madrid to Alicante on the high-speed train, then a 2-hour bus ride to Benissa and finally, a 20-minute drive. I’m staying in a beautiful stone house right next to the Dome, where Michele Averard and her husband, Nestor Kornblum conduct their sound healing trainings and events.

I’m here for a Sound Healing course.
They both founded and set up the Sound Healer Training residential course 25 years ago and are the directors of the Spanish and International Associations of Sound Therapy. Michele is the author of “Free your Voice, Heal your Life”, specializes in the healing voice and sound healing modality. Nestor has explored and practiced the ancient art of overtone singing which he calls “vocal harmonics” with particular attention to its therapeutic and meditational uses.

Click here to watch Nestor demonstrate the single cavity technique.

This week we’ve been working with our voice – overtones, and singing. I am already experiencing some shifts with all the singing that we do. Michelle and Nestor call it “Harmonic Sounds” which they say, originates in the idea of restoring Universal Harmony through Sound. They said, “This Universal Harmony, once restored, refers to the absence of Illness – or Dis-Harmony.” Apparently, when we sing, chant or tone, it stimulates the production of nitrous oxide. This free radical gas molecule is very important for keeping our immune system strong. It reduces inflammation, regulates blood pressure and helps our bodies fight off bacteria.

Next week is more healing. We will be learning about Tibetan singing bowls, tuning fork acupuncture and other instruments like the monochord, flutes and other percussion instruments.

I’m going to share a toning technique to work with the heart chakra.
Toning is a technique using the voice to influence energy patterns, and it’s quite easy to do. You don’t have to be a singer or have a good voice, you only need to use the vibrations of your voice.

The vowel sound is “Aaaaah’. To do, take a deep breath and let your belly expand, just let the sound flow from you as you exhale and say “Aaaaah”. Feel the vibration in your heart area, lung area. Hold the intention that it is clearing energetic blockages, balancing and expanding.

Try this every day and see how it feels.

If you want to open your heart some more.

Today is Day one of the 10-day #LiveHealBloomKundaliniYogaChallenge. We are approaching love month and what better way to heal is to do a 10-day kundalini yoga challenge. The meditations in the challenge will help you break through relationship blocks. Follow my post each day and post a photo of yourself doing the day’s challenge on Instagram or Facebook using the hashtag #LiveHealBloomKundaliniYogaChallenge. A winner gets selected to join the Power of Two Partner Yoga on February 15 and gets to bring a partner! The partner can be a significant other, friend, sibling or parent.

Note that the challenge is not all about winning. Surprise and serendipities and even shifts may happen as you meditate, so join in!

Find strength and hope in the challenges that lie ahead. Looking forward to seeing you take on the challenge on my feed, and seeing you when I head back home.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



Learn a simple practice designed to release your energetic blocks so you can start attracting more prosperity into your life.

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