Hello from Espanola, the land of enchantment!
I can’t believe that I’m finally here for the month-long residential Kundalini Yoga Level One Teacher Training immersion program. This is my first 30-days immersion. The only time I was away this long was in January 2007, when I took the ashtanga training course with the founder Sri Pattabi Jois.

I’m now living in an ashram which is part of the main complex of Hacienda de Guru Ram Das. The complex is an 8-hectare property which consists of Yogi Bhajan’s home (the Ranch), the Gudwara, Langar Hall, administrative offices and community-based businesses.

The Langar Hall

The Langar Hall is a free kitchen concept where sevadars operate the kitchen and serve lunch for free to the community every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. The building on the left (photo) is the hall where Yogi Bhajan would hold classes for as many as 150 students. It now serves as an activity center for the community. The immersion classes will be held here.

I’ve been doing my share of Karma Yoga (seva) work with the other support team by taking turns in serving meals, washing dishes and doing inside and outside cleaning. All the vegan meals right now (and for the immersion) is prepared by the highly creative and conscious Chef Sat Kartar who was named “Best Personal Chef” in the San Francisco Bay area.

The support team (from left):Adarsh, Pritti Darshan, Adarsh G, Jodah and Sat Sangat

There are five niwas, dormitory-type dwellings that have shared bathrooms and kitchen facilities. All is within five-minute walk to the ashram. I’m staying at the Amar Niwas with women sevadars and sharing a room with two other trainers, Jodha from Germany and Ardash Gabriela from Australia. There are actually six of us in the student support team headed by TNT Coordinator Ardash Kaur from Los Angeles. The other two are Sat Sangat from Italy and Pritti Darshan based in New Meixco. Kyla, based in New Mexico, is the overall administrative support.

The 28-day onsite course won’t start until Saturday at 3pm. We are here early to do some preparatory training for the incoming student teachers.

Channelling Georgia O’Keffe, sunrise at Espanola

Espanola is elevated at 5,596 feet (or 1,705 meters). It’s quite hot during the day and cool at night. It’s quite relaxed here compared to New York last week. I must admit that I’m a ‘city girl’ and thrive in action. Maybe this is what I need right now, to slow down.

Sat Siri Kaur, the lead trainer, said during our process work this afternoon that it’s better to be in shuniya mode, present, being observant of everything.
She reminded us that we came here to serve, to be alert to the needs of the student teachers, including the needs of the staff and support team.

The work may be daunting as we in the support team have to navigate through different, diverse people and for sure, there would be challenges in the next 30 days. The test is to apply the tools that we already have learned to keep steady, calm and neutral. Let’s see how it goes. Meantime this is how we prepare for the main event:

I wish you well and I’m praying for all of you while I’m here.

Meanwhile, don’t forget to join in the #LiveHealBloomKundaliniYogaChallenge while I’m away. We’ve done 3 days so far, and you can still catch up. I’ll be looking out for your photos while here.

Keep practicing, keep raising those vibrations.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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