Man’ means mind and ‘tra’ means wave or projection, and putting it together translates to “to vibrate the mind”.
As we chant a mantra, we can change the chemistry of the brain and our whole vibrational being. The 84 meridian points in the mouth are stimulated while we chant — 64 in the hard palate and 20 in the soft palate. The action awakens the dormant parts of the brain and circulates energy throughout the body.

Source: Accupuncture points
According to yogic science, “The tongue stimulates those meridian points, and they, in turn, stimulate the hypothalamus which makes the pineal gland radiate. When the pineal gland radiates, it creates an impulse, which makes the entire glandular system secretes and a human being attains bliss.”
The Akaal is a special mantra that is chanted at the time of death.
Akal means undying, without time, and no death. The sound current is chanted to help release the soul.
The mantra is chanted 3 times. To chant it, take a full deep breath, then chant the mantra for the fully extended length of that deep breath. The first syllable A is short, and the second syllable kal flows on the whole length of the breath.
They say that the soul remains in the Earth’s vibration for 17 days after leaving the body, so chanting Akal for those 17 days would be very helpful. Dr. Ramdesh Kaur has described it as, “A practice dedicated to helping the soul rise.” She recommends for one person alone or a group of family and friends to chant for a loved one using the “Akaal” sound repetitively for 11 minutes over 17 days.
Chanting Akal is also good to do when one feels a bodiless spirit, known commonly as a ghost, to help them transition on if they are so moved.
November seems to be the month for tuning in!
Tarn Taran Kaur and her husband Tarn Taran Singh will be in Manila for a set of classes and a workshop. Tarn Taran Singh who is known to known to lead heartfelt chanting as he plays guitar and will lead the chanting class, Connect to your Soul through Chanting at the Kabbalah Center in Rockwell on Thursday, November 7 at 7 pm. For those who haven’t tried it before, it will make for an amazing introduction.
It would also be good to experience an All Night Gong Puja, which will be held on November 16 at Rebel Yoga. See what it means when Edward Cayce, the father of Holistic Medicine, says that “Sound is the medicine of the future.” Yogi Bhajan has also said that a 45-minute gong session would clear any immediate energy blocks and that 10 sessions of those cycles, an all-nighter, would clear most blocks.
Tune in, tune in, and tune in. Tune in to honor the loved ones that have passed, tune in and be guided to unlock what the universe recognizes to be your authentic self.
In loving service,