“Cold? Flu? Or COVID?” It’s gotten to that point in pandemic. The positivity rate has reached 52% early this week, according to Rappler, which means one in two people tested is positive for COVID.

We are at 34,021 cases as of Thursday, with an exceptionally high transmission rate. My brother, a kendo martial arts master and a jump rope enthusiast, double vaccinated and boosted, recently caught COVID after a trip to the bank and following all precautions.

So we’re back inside, waiting for this wave to pass. Meanwhile, let’s do what we can to build immunity.

Have you tried Yogi Tea?

Yogi Tea is a cure-all remedy introduced by Yogi Bhajan, the founder of Kundalini Yoga in the United States in the late 1960s. The tea is made from brewing five spices: peppercorns, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon sticks, and ginger.

Yogi tea spices

The spices used in the Yogi Tea have unique healing properties based on the ancient Ayurvedic teachings. The brew acts as a tonic for the entire nervous system, reduces tiredness, and restores mental balance. Yogi Tea is a homeopathic remedy for colds, flu, and sinus problems.

You can get the spices in your local Indian store. I got mine in Assad Mini Mart, located at 126 Jupiter St. in Makati.

Here’s the original recipe for yogi tea from 3HO:

Ingredients for 1 pot (makes 8 cups):
10 cups water
1/2 rounded tsp whole cloves
12-15 green cardamom pods
1/2 tsp black peppercorns
4-5 three inch sticks cinnamon
8 slices fresh ginger root
1 tea bag black tea
*Milk and Honey to taste (*optional)

Bring water to a boil in a four-quart pot. Add cloves, crushed cardamon pods, peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, and ginger. and add spices. Cover and boil gently for 30 to 40 minutes. Turn off heat and add the tea bag. Then let it sit for an hour or so. Strain and refrigerate to use as desired. When ready to serve, add a few tablespoons of milk per cup of tea and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and sweeten honey if desired.

The black pepper purifies the blood. Cinnamon strengthens the bones. Cardamon supports the colon. Cloves build the nervous system. Ginger is loaded with antioxidants. The black tea serves as an alloy for the ingredients and creates the proper chemical balance, while adding milk helps assimilate the spices.

My recipe

I tweaked the original Yogi Tea recipe. I avoid dairy as much as possible since I am glucose intolerant, and there’s no black tea either. For my brew, I add turmeric and a dash of nutmeg. Turmeric is good for arthritis, heartburn, stomach pain, diarrhea, liver problems, and gallbladder disorders. Nutmeg relieves pain, soothes indigestion, increases the immune system, prevents leukemia, and improves blood circulation.

Take care of yourself and strengthen your immunity.

Our spaces online are always open to you to help build physical and mental strength. So as we start the year, make this yogi tonic, exercise, yoga, and meditation part of your routine. For those feeling that familiar anxiety about staying inside, a sound healing gong bath may be a good idea. Join us for sound healing classes every Tuesday at 6:15 pm over zoom.

Continue to stay safe. Let’s keep practicing together.

In loving service,

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