Have you been feeling sluggish or tired lately? Have you been under a lot of stress, eating unhealthy or irregularly, worrying, overthinking, distracted, not being able to finish things? Are you experiencing digestion problems, stomach pain, feeling gassy or bloated? These are signs that your spleen may be burdened.
The spleen is known as the mother organ of the physical body and relates to the earth element. It will help you feel centered, grounded, feel well and at ease with who you are and where you are on this planet. It brings the sweetness of life to make you feel nourished, nurtured, grounded and balanced in life.
The spleen is not given as much attention as the heart, lungs, liver or kidneys but it has an important function.
The spleen
It is part of the lymphatic system, located on the left side of your body below the diaphragm. It is responsible for the production of white blood cells and the removal of old red blood cells. The spleen not only digests food but also stimulus and information. It takes in everything that comes into the body through our sense organs.
Our senses are even more heightened now as we take in more information at a faster pace. We multitask, which is made easier to do with technology. The mobile phone, for instance, is the last thing we look at before we sleep and the first thing we pick up when we get out of bed. We have the ability to talk to someone on the phone while listening to music or watching Game of Thrones or sending an email or a text message to a group chat on Viber or Whatsapp or even while driving. And maybe even while eating lunch or dinner. And all these overload the spleen.
You can help your spleen by eating better:
1. Eat warm, cooked meals. Warm and cooked food decreases the work of the digestion system, which must warm up food and break it down. Soups, stews, and curries, are more easily absorbed and create less work for the spleen. Avoid raw, cold foods, which are more difficult to digest.
2. Take some spices: Raw ginger before or during meals or add some warming spices to your food such as black pepper, ginger, cardamom and cinnamon and pungent foods such as onions, leeks, fennel, and garlic.
3. Unplug during meals and eat slowly, chew well, savor the flavor, aroma, and texture of your food.
4. Eat all yellow/orange fruits and vegetables and also carbohydrate-rich root vegetables such as winter squash, carrot, rutabaga, parsnip, turnip, sweet potato, yam, pumpkin, and legumes such as garbanzo beans, black beans, and peas.
5. Eat naturally sweet foods such as ripe bananas, rice syrup, barley malt, molasses, stewed cherries and dates to promote the feeling of nurturing oneself.
Here’s a meditation I shared yesterday in the Tune-Up your Body Kundalini Yoga Series for the spleen called Sitali Breathing that you can do for just 3 minutes.
This is a cleansing breath so it helps to relieve anger and irritability, helps to detoxify the body and will ake both your personality and your body sweet. In other words, it helps to attract what you need at an etheric level. If your tongue tastes bitter when you practice this is a sign of detoxification.
Sitali Pranayam
Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position. Curl your tongue into a “U”, sticking it out through your mouth. If you’re not able to curl your tongue, just stick the tongue out of your mouth and make the mouth out into an “O”. Slowly inhale as if you are sipping air out through a straw, and slowly exhale through your nose. Inhale very slowly through the mouth and exhale through the nose. Calm yourself with this breath. Close the mouth when you are exhaling and stick the tongue out when you inhale.
Make this one of your ‘internal showers’ that you practice regularly — 26 times in the morning and 26 times in the evening. As you do this, you will balance your spleen and more things will come to you that is good.
Who’s in, or have friends in Cebu?
Release your Karma Series at Gassho Healing Arts Center in Cebu
I will be there this weekend for the Om Fest at the Asmara Urban Resort on May 19 and to conduct a five-class series to Release Karma, Unload your Karmic Debt at the Gassho Healing Center. After which, I will be in Slovenia to be with Don Conreaux for more gong training.
Since I’ll be away, watch out for another challenge. The prize this time will be two passes to the Build your Business Intuition four-week class series in June.
It’s high energy this season. Seize it and bloom.
In loving service,