I’m facilitating a rebirthing retreat in Siargao this weekend.
The sets we’re taking up here deal with the subconscious burden that is picked up in the womb of the mother, specifically the 5th month in the womb. That’s a little later than when the soul enters on the 120th day.
It is said from the 120th day to the day of delivery, if the mother’s electromagnetic field, which has a corresponding relationship with the neurons of the brain, sets a pattern that stops the energy in the child’s development. The child has to live the rest of his life in that “stunted” state, and he is considered “condemned”. That is called a magnetic block.
There is a perpetual trauma in the womb that we carry with us, either magnetic blocks or fears. It’s not our mother’s fault, and it’s not our fault. There is no one to blame, as our mothers didn’t have the training and skills to raise children them.

Celebrating #IWD2020
The timing of this retreat is perfect! This Sunday is International Women’s Day #IWD2020, to celebrate the achievements of women and a reminder that we have the power to create actionable change. And this weekend, we are taking that power to change!
It’s also timely that I joined my friend’s 21 days of abundance guided meditation of Deepak Chopra.
There was an assignment to make a list of 50 people who have influenced our personal growth and development throughout our life. I noticed that most of the people I’ve listed were women, and as I wrote, I remember clearly how each one impacted me. Like my mom’s resilience and hard work, my aunt who reminded me all the time that the key to success is self-discipline and other women including Jane Austen who I read when I was young. I enjoyed reading her. She gave me a sense of adventure and freedom. Note that my mother was on top of my list.
For this week, I’d like to echo Deepak Chopra and ask you to make a list of 20 women who have influenced you but this time, write why.
In loving service,