If you’ve been feeling a rollercoaster of emotions lately, You’re not alone. With the upcoming Super Moon Lunar Eclipse and Autumn Equinox on September 18 and 22, 2024, it’s normal to experience intense highs and lows.

Eclipses are powerful catalysts for transformation, symbolizing abrupt shifts and the culmination of emotional cycles. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces will occur during a Super Moon, making it a rare and special event. This lunation is concerned with healing inner wounds, exploring empathy, tapping into imagination, and navigating the depths of emotion. It’s a time to release stagnant emotions and illuminate what has been hidden in the subconscious. Be open to signs, symbols, and synchronicities, and allow your intuition to guide you through the endings and beginnings catalyzed by this eclipse.

The Autumn Equinox marks a moment of perfect balance between light and dark. It’s a time to assess where you have been giving too much and where you need to receive. Sadhguru emphasizes the potential for transcending limitations, stating: “On this day, the masculine and feminine are at an even keel. In the yogic tradition, this day is seen as a day when one has the best possibility of transcending the limitations and the compulsions of one’s physical longings.”

To help you navigate these intense energies, I’m sharing a simple yet powerful meditation that you can do this week.

This meditation will release your stress, past fears, and emotions that block you from truly manifesting and living your truth.

Here’s how to do it:

Sit with a straight spine crossed-legged on the floor or in a chair. Put your hands at the center of your chest with corresponding fingers. There is a space between the palms, and the fingertips point up, making a teepee with your hands. Close your eyes and gaze at the tip of your nose. Inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds and exhale for 5 seconds. Repeat this cycle 4 times per minute. Do this for 3 minutes or work your way up to 11 minutes.

As we navigate the powerful energies of the Super Moon Lunar Eclipse and the Autumn Equinox, remember that this is a time of profound transformation and balance. Embrace the opportunity to release what no longer serves you and to align with your true self.

As my favorite astrologer says, we are entering an accelerated period for humanity’s evolution. I hope the tools I’ve shared with you help you harness this transformative energy and guide you toward emotional clarity and renewal. Embrace the journey ahead, and may it lead you to new beginnings filled with light and possibility!

In loving service,


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