I came across this article yesterday, “What Types of Exercise Reduce Dementia Risk?” It made me think of my mom. At 93, she is already showing signs of dementia or what we refer to in Tagalog as ulyani, which means forgetful, senile, or having Alzheimer’s.
There is a difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s. Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability – thinking, remembering, and reasoning, severe enough to interfere with daily life. Mayo Clinic defines Alzheimer’s as a specific brain disease marked by symptoms of dementia that gradually gets worse over time. The common early symptoms are memory loss, difficulty concentrating, finding it hard to carry out familiar daily tasks, struggling to follow a conversation or find the right word, being confused about time and place, and mood changes.
The findings cited from the article were interesting:
– One study said that participants who engaged in regular, vigorous activity, such as playing sports or working out, lowered the risk of developing dementia by 35 %
– Those who did household chores had a 21% lower risk for developing dementia
– Another study showed that participants who exercised regularly —walking, running, swimming, dancing, participating in sports, or working out at the gym — had a 17 percent lower risk of developing dementia than those who did not
– Both studies indicate that “regular, lifelong physical activity, in all its forms, goes a long way toward reducing the risk of dementia, even for people classified as high-risk.”
Contrary to popular belief, dementia is not part of aging. According to the National Institute of Aging, cognitive and memory problems may be attributed to depression, infection, or medication side effects that are treatable except for Alzheimer’s, which cannot be reversed. Below is a chart indicating the difference between normal aging and Alzheimer’s.
Normal aging and Alzheimer’s source: National Institute of Aging
Here’s a meditation that you can do to keep your mind sharp as you age.
This meditation is called Kirtan Kriya. It keeps the brain sharp, enhances mood and well-being, lessens depression and prevents Alzheimer’s disease. It is a 12-minute chanting and visualization meditation using finger movements.
It was one of the first meditations taught by Yogi Bhajan and remains today as a foundation meditation recommended for every student of Kundalini yoga. He said that if you can do only one meditation, this is it. To quote, “It does everything for you in the order that you need. It is your teacher. And as you practice it, you will come to realize that it is your best friend. Whatever you need at the moment, it will readjust and align you to bring balance into your mind and thus your life.”
Here’s how to do it:
Sit comfortably in a chair with your feet flat on the floor or in Easy Pose, cross-legged on the floor. While chanting, alternately press the thumb with the four fingers: Sa press the thumb and the index finger together; Ta press the thumb and the finger together; Na press the thumb and the ring finger together; and Ma press the thumb and the pinkie finger together. Chant using the sounds Sa, Taa, Na, Ma. These ancient sounds combined mean my true identity or truth is my vibration. Eyes are closed.
Image from Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation
As you chant the sounds Sa Ta Na Ma while touching the thumb and fingers of both hands, visualize the sound flowing in through the top of your head and out the middle of your forehead in an L shape.
The timing is as follows:for 2 minutes, chant out loud. Then the next 2 minutes, whisper. The next 4 minutes, say the sound silently to yourself. Then whisper the sounds for 2 minutes. And then aloud for another 2 minutes. The last minute, listen inside and hear the mantra and experience the L in the head. Do not do the finger movements.
To end, inhale deeply, raise the arms up in the air and vigorously shake the arms and fingers. You can involve the whole body and spine. Exhale. Repeat 1 or 2 more time if you desire. This is an important part of the meditation as it helps move and release the energy in the body. Relax for a few minutes before going about your day. Or relax on your back. If it is before bed time, simply go to sleep.
Wishing you peace and strength of mind, always. I’ll be away for about a week, but let’s keep in touch. Hope to see you when I get back.
In loving service,