Did you know that cold water exposure has deep roots in yogic traditions?

This is known as Ishnaan, an ancient practice involving immersing the body through invigorating cold showers. It helps promote radiant skin, open capillaries, flush out toxins, and heighten sensory awareness.

You can master the art of Ishnaan by following these steps:

1. Start in the Shower: Begin by leaning forward under the cold water stream, allowing it to simultaneously hit your brow point and the tops of your feet. Move your forehead from side to side to enhance mental awareness.

2. Foot Massage: While the water hits your feet, massage your right foot with your left foot and vice versa.

3. Calf Massage: Turn around and massage the back of your left calf with your right foot and vice versa.

4. Armpit and Breast Massage: Facing the water, lean your left armpit into the stream and massage both the armpit and the sides of your breast. Repeat this for the right side.

5. Hip Massage: Lean in and massage your left hip, then your right hip.

6. Neck Exposure: For the brave, turn around and aim the cold water at the back of your neck, allowing it to drip down your spine.

7. Repeat this routine 3 to 4 times, massaging your body until the water no longer feels cold.

Once you finish, dry yourself off briskly with a large towel. You’ll feel the warmth radiating from within.

Before diving into the practice though, keep these contraindications in mind:

Moon Cycle: Women should avoid cold showers during menstruation.

Pregnancy Precautions: If you’re expecting, limit your cold shower to 3 minutes and avoid them after the 7th month. Opt for lukewarm showers instead—your baby will appreciate it!

Health Considerations: If you have high blood pressure or sciatica, take it slow and ease into the cold.

Wearing cotton shorts during your cold shower can protect your thighs and reproductive organs, making the experience a bit more comfortable.

Ishnaan is a powerful yogic practice that goes beyond simply dipping into an ice bath. The benefits of cold water exposure combined with self-massage can lead to improved circulation, enhanced detoxification, and a boost in energy levels.

Make it a fun part of your daily routine!

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