Great news from Kuala Lumpur! I’m here for the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) meeting, the first in Asia after some time. I just got news that I have been granted the role of intern at the Aquarian Training Academy. Thank you to every one of you who continue to be with me on this journey, and to the good vibrations so far.
It was great to meet trainers and teachers from Southeast Asia and Amrit Singh Khalsa, the new Executive Director of Teacher Trainings. I also met the Director of Professional Development and Outreach, Hari Charn Kaur Khalsa, from New Mexico, USA, who interviewed me yesterday for the Academy and eventually granted me the role as an intern.
The first meeting last Wednesday was a forum for the trainers to share their experiences and updates of the development in the Academy. There were 16 trainers and four of us were ‘applicant interns’. An intern is the first role, followed by associate, professional and finally, “lead” trainer.
There are places in the world where there are no resident “lead” trainers
Like the Philippines, I had to travel abroad to take my Level One training in Bali in 2014 and for Level Two, I have completed four out of the five modules abroad as well. We had our very first Level One Teacher Training in May this year under the wisdom and guidance of international teachers with legacy teacher Taran Taran Kaur Khalsa as the “lead” trainer. The next one is scheduled in November 2019. My prayer is to make it easier for everyone, especially my fellow Filipinos, who are called to become Kundalini Yoga teachers as they will only have to look for a teacher based in the country.
The Academy was set-up to cultivate the talents and attributes of those who aspire to be “lead” trainers and to maintain the integrity of the teachings. To date, there are 820 members in the Academy representing 54 countries. I’ve been warned that it takes a minimum of 8 years before one is approved as a “lead” trainer, and he or she must have taught over 1,000 hours and have started Level Three training.
Yesterday was a meeting with the teachers from the region.
We were double the expected number of participants and the teachers were from Malaysia, Bangkok, Singapore, Taiwan, Bali, Vietnam and Cambodia. It’s good to know that despite the different nationalities and cultural backgrounds, we all have the same purpose for teaching Kundalini Yoga and that’s to be truly of service.
We are blessed to have another legacy Teacher coming to Manila
Satkirin Kaur has devoted her life to expanding the consciousness of humanity through music and Naad Yoga, the yoga of sound. It is an honor to have her with us in November, and I would like to invite you to her workshop and Sacred Chant Night of Healing.
The two-day workshop called “Discover your Divine Voice” will help you gain a deeper understanding of how to use the sound current to uplift, heal and inspire others. The workshop is on November 10-11 and will be held in Urban Ashram BGC. Book the slot at this link.
Satkirin will also be holding a Sacred Chant Night of healing on November 12 at 7pm at the Entheos Room, 4th Floor Henry Sy Hall, Assumption College, San Lorenzo Village, Makati.
Just like that, half of October’s gone! What will the rest of the year bring? Manifest so you may continue to live, heal, and bloom in your journey.
Hope to see you all soon.
In loving service,