I’ve always been eager to try new sports and exercises, but becoming a yoga teacher was a different story. Ten years ago, I joined a Level One Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training.

My Kundalini Yoga teacher at that time somehow pushed me to join. She kept drilling the importance of this practice saying, “We are where we are in our evolution. I am personally committed (at least whatever is left of my human life) to awaken my fellow God-desses so that they can in turn be of service to the rest of the world by animating the GodSpark within.”

Level One Teacher Training with the late Guru Dass in Canggu Bali in June 2014.

Since there was no Level One in the Philippines, I traveled to the closest place where the Level One was offered – in Bali, with the late Guru Dass as Lead Trainer. At that time I was full-time in corporate, so the three one-week sessions worked well for me. I was so enthusiastic to join this Level One with twenty other beautiful souls from all over the world who heeded the call of their soul.

It was truly a healing and transformative experience which deeply changed my life. One thing for sure, I’ve become softer, more relaxed, more calm, and less stressed. To put it simply, I have become a better human being rather than a human doing. Now, more than ever, serendipity seems to guidw me. I seem to be at the right place at the right time.

I invite you to consider this transformative journey.

A three-week immersion in Ubud, Bali will be held from October 6 to 26, 2024, and I will be one of the supporting trainers. You don’t have to be an experienced practitioner to join; the training is for everyone wanting a deep, transformative experience.

Find out more about the program in the video below or visit the website here.

The immersive kundalini yoga teacher training is definitely transformative. Physically, you will detoxify your body with yoga and meditation. Emotionally, you may release old garbage such as anger and fear. And spiritually, you will form lasting bonds of friendship with people committed to growth, motivated by love, and who want to make a difference in their own lives.

If you’re ready to take this step for your personal transformation and to serve and inspire humankind, let me know. As I’ll be assisting in Bali, I would be happy to be there for you as you take steps for a more immersive practice.

In loving service,


Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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