Exciting times ahead this August as we enter the powerful Lion’s Gate Portal next week. The Lion’s Gate is an annual celestial event which occurs when Earth, the Sun, and the star Sirius align, starting July 26 to August 12, with its peak energy felt on August 8.

The Lion’s Gate Portal coincides with the zodiac sign Leo, embodying qualities such as courage, strength, creativity, and leadership. The date 8/8, double 8 or infinity, holds special numerological significance; it symbolizes luck, success, abundance, and unlimited potential, reminiscent of the infinity symbol. It is said that on this day, we can integrate the high-frequency energies of Sirius into our being, unlocking greater awareness of our destiny, soul contracts, and light codes.

This rare alignment is significant. During this time, it is crucial not only to set intentions but also to consciously connect with our higher selves. By moving beyond mere intention-setting, we open ourselves to accept what comes our way, trusting that everything unfolds for our highest good. It’s about letting go and embracing the flow.

Here’s a meditation that you can do to open your heart center and help you create a magnetic aura to attract opportunities:

Meditation to Open the Heart

Sit comfortably with a straight spine. Bend and raise your forearms, thumb and index finger touching in Gyan Mudra. Repeat the mantra “Ad such Jugad such He BAY such Nanak hose BAY such”. This powerful mantra helps to break through energetic blocks, remove obstacles, and align your energy field to attract new possibilities and opportunities. Do this meditation for 11 to 31 minutes. With regular practice, you will be able to tap into its transformative power whenever you need it.

The Lion’s Gate Portal is not just a moment in time; it’s a powerful invitation to step into our true potential and shine brightly in the world. Let your heart lead the way, and may you harness the magic of this rare celestial alignment to elevate your spirit.

In loving service,


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