I’d like to sincerely thank everyone for celebrating my birthday with me last Monday. The 3:00 am meditation raised Php 17,633 to help cover the rent of Anam Cara. The timing of the group meditation is serendipitous. Each year from July 26 to August 8, there is a cosmic phenomenon when the Earth directly aligns with the Star Sirius, the brightest star, and the Milky Way, the Galactic Center. This phenomenon is known as the Lions Gate portal because it occurs in the astrological sign of Leo, the Lion. 

According to Healing Synergy,  the Lions Gate cosmic event has ties to ancient Egypt, which for thousands of years has been observed. She said  “This period is all about fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying Divinity within the physical form. This gateway creates an amazing period of accelerated ascension… This year, amidst the already insanely potent waves of change and magnificent transformations, it is supercharged.”

Leo’s zodiac sign is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. It symbolizes heart, strength, creativity, confidence, leadership, prosperity, and abundance. These are the qualities that we can enhance this period. 

The Lions Gate cosmic event is said to awaken our DNA, activate our energy field, and transmit high vibrational frequencies and codes of Awakening. It’s the perfect time to receive downloads, heart openings, and healings. 

If you wish to continue doing the meditation during the Lions Gate to strengthen your “wheel,” here’s how:

Posture for the Sudarshan Chakra Kriya

Sit in a comfortable, meditative position, keeping the spine straight. Place the tips of your index fingers and thumbs together in Gyan mudra, wrists resting on the knees. Begin to chant the mantra out loud.. As you chant, mentally see energy flowing from your mid-back at the heart’s level, circling up over your head, and then returning into the heart center in the middle of your chest to form a wheel.

Visualize as you chant Aap Sahaaee Hoaa, the energy flowing to your heart, exiting your mid-back. As you chant Sachay Daa Sachaa Dhoaa, he energy expands up above your head, to the ethers. As you chant the last part, Har Har Har,  let the energy from the infinite flow down, streaming into and penetrating through your heart center. (Note: the tip of the tongue hits the palate while you pull the navel in at each Har).

After a few minutes, when you feel your heart open, shift your focus to a situation or person(s) that you want to send healing and abundance.  Keep circulating the energy, singing from the heart. Chant out loud. (I used Anahata Choir’s music).

The mantra Aap Sahaee Hoa has the power to clear and dissolve obstacles. It is for empowerment, clarity, self-control, balance, and protection. Chant or play this mantra if you are facing challenges and insurmountable barriers or if you need to overcome adversity. It is said that this mantra will help you penetrate the unknown without fear and give you protection and mental balance.

As I mentioned in my post last November, times are changing and changing fast. Kundalini Yoga founder predicted intense Earth changes to political corruption, information overload, epidemics, depression, and inner emptiness. 

August 8 group meditation 

I’ll be doing another seva project on the last day of the Lions Gate portal on August 8!  The beneficiary of this seva project is the Cancer Resource and Wellness (Carewell) Community, a non-profit foundation that provides support, education, and hope to persons with cancer and their loved ones. Message me if you want to join at 3:00 am. 

Do take care, and rest if you can. This is being written while we’re waiting for news, so best to prepare for anything. Stay calm and focus on your breath.

In loving service,


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