Patience truly pays off. After five years of commitment, dedication, and service, I am happy to share that I am now a Level One Associate Trainer in the Aquarian Training Academy (ATA). An ATA trainer involves training teachers. Those who have gone through the Level One Kundalini yoga teacher training know that the program is more than getting a certificate to teach yoga. It’s like a container for the processes of transformation, self-exploration, self-sovereign declaration, and healing.
I set my intention to be a trainer in 2017 at the first Philippine Kundalini Yoga teacher training, and after months of deep contemplation, I started the long, arduous and extensive training process in August 2018.
He also said, “When you plan everything, and God does not plan for you, you are right in the ditch. There are two ways to go: either you do it, or you let God do it. In life, if you do not have patience for your own self—patience whereby nothing can move you—you have nothing.”
If you’ve been irritated, annoyed, anxious, or frustrated about certain things like the traffic, network glitches, or when people take too long to do something or even reply to a message, remember that patience pays.
I’m sharing this kundalini yoga meditation that you can do for 40-days to develop patience.
It will also help overcome insecurity and anxiety to be able to find peace. Remember that kundalini yoga is the science that teaches you how to absorb the shock of adversity and helps you come out with the grace and wonder of life.

How to do the meditation to develop patience
Sit with a straight spine in a cross-legged position. Bring the right knee to the chest, and lock both hands around the knee. Pull it in as close as possible to the chest. Focus your eyes on the tip of the nose. Mentally chant the mantra Har and breathe through the rounded mouth powerfully, along with the mantra while pulling the navel in. Continue for 11 minutes or a maximum of 31 minutes. To end, inhale deeply, bring both hands flat against the chest, and press hard. Tighten yourself and stretch the spine from top to bottom. Exhale. Repeat.
Try the 12-day frog challenge!
I’ll be away next week, and classes will resume on November 8 during the total lunar eclipse. So while I’m away, why not join the 12-day Frog Challenge? Frog works with themes connected to the second chakra, like your self-esteem, sexuality, creativity, and fear. More details in the schedule below.
Let me close with Yogi Bhajan’s advice “A million things will reach you if you are stable, established, firm, and patient. Remember, the Creator watches over you, and Creation is ready to serve you if you just be you. So please take away the ghost of your life and stop chasing it round. Consolidate. Concentrate. Be you. And may all the peace and peaceful environments, and prosperity approach you forever. Sat Nam.”
In loving service,