The second of three Mercury retrogrades starts today, May 29 and ends after three weeks on June 22. It’s during this period when communications and technology fail. Everyone is advised to remain patient, understanding, and flexible. That’s why I’m rushing to get my projects done or at least set things into motion before everything goes haywire.

It’s not just the planet Mercury that we’re up against cosmically as we have two other planets in retrograde. Pluto, the God of the Underworld, went into retrograde on April 22. Pluto in retrograde reveals your shadow aspect, the negative patterns, belief systems, toxic relationships, and psychological wounds to claim your inner power. This retrograde will last until September 30.

Saturn, the lord of karma and time, went into retrograde on May 23 and will stay there until October 10. Saturn teaches responsibility, self-discipline, patience, humility, and perseverance. When it is in retrograde motion, it is a time when karma is sorted out. That’s why Saturn retrograde feels like a double dose of karma. If you’ve been bad in the past, an event will occur to teach you a lesson. Likewise, if you’ve been good in the past, an event will occur to reward you for your good deed. Your karma relates to how responsible you have been in the past. Saturn best exemplifies what goes around, comes around. It feels like a struggle because of the lesson of timing, patience, and the breakdown of barriers and fears.

With three planets in retrograde, the period may feel extremely stressful and frustrating.

This is the time to slow down, step back, go inward. A time to review, reflect, reassess, reconsider, restrategize, recalibrate, redesign, rebuild, etc.

I’m sharing this meditation to help you go through the retrograde period:

Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. With arms along the side of the body and elbows bent, place the hands in front of the heart center, palms facing each other, fingers pointing up and spread slightly apart. Chant the mantra, Wahe Guru, in a continuous monotone while stretching the thumbs back, pointing towards the chest with the tips of the thumbs, index, and middle fingers together. The ring and pinkie fingers do not touch and are separated from one another by several inches. The palms are also stretched wide apart. Chant the mantra Wahe Guru again, this time, bring the palms toward one another slightly, just until the tips of the pinkie fingers can touch. Make sure that the ring finger tips DO NOT touch. Focus eyes at the tip of the nose. Repeat chanting Wahe Guru with the mudras. Do tis for 11 minutes.

With everything happening and with three planets in retrograde, it is tough to slow down! Closing this with this adage from Confucius, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

Let’s take it slow and let’s keep going.

In loving service,

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