I’m back in Bali, this time up North in Tejakula to continue my shamanic studies. The focus is on the Shamanic Knowledge Series, which explores the realms of the Spirits of Nature, Divination, and Dreamwork.

Shamanism is one of the world’s oldest spiritual practices and continues to thrive today.

It encompasses working with spirits, ranging from animals to transcendent beings. I was introduced to the profound connection with plant spirits for the first course, the Spirits of Nature.

There are three important points when it comes to engaging with plant spirits. Firstly, slowing down our vibration and being very patient, quiet, and measured is essential for establishing rapport with these ethereal entities. Nature spirits are neutral and may opt not to work with you if you are aggressive or excitable. Secondly, I learned to attune myself to the natural power emanating from plants, opening my senses to their unique energy.

Lastly, I discovered that setting intentions as a shaman can manifest meaningful synchronicities. By paying close attention to the signs and messages conveyed by nature, we can tap into its profound wisdom.

Chief Seattle, a revered shaman has said, “Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” These words resonate deeply as we recognize the disconnect that often afflicts our relationship with nature. It is essential to pause, observe, and attune ourselves to the natural world surrounding us, as it may hold valuable messages and insights.

During one of our exercises, we were tasked to immerse ourselves in nature within a 2-meter radius, taking note of our surroundings and reflecting upon our observations by writing a poem or a song.

Found this outcrop in Tejakula, Bali, Indonesia

I found this outcrop and came up with this poem:

In the mighty tree’s roots,
An outcrop survives.
Shriveling leaves, brown speckled,
Yet it thrives.
Beneath, green shoots emerge,
A sign of life’s flow.
Challenged but resilient,
It continues to grow.

This shaman course on the Spirits of Nature reminded me of the importance of slowing down and resonating with nature. By attuning ourselves to nature’s signs and messages, we can gain heartfelt insights and align ourselves with the flow of life. So, wherever you find yourself in, take a moment to pause, listen, and perhaps you’ll receive a message that resonates deep within your soul.

Why not try to be observant in your own space, and see what comes to you in words or in pictures? How does it speak to you at this point in your life?

In loving service,


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