Some of you may be anxious about the news and may have become a bit paranoid and would like to overcome fear.

The number of new cases reported daily has increased over the past week, with a record of 2,434 new cases last Sunday. Almost half of the recent cases were from Metro Manila, followed by Central Visayas.

This reminds me of a friend who lives in a condotel that has been designated as one of the government’s quarantine hotels. Returning overseas workers, who are Persons Under Monitoring (PMU), observe 14 days in a designated quarantine hotel before returning to their homes. Ever since she learned about the 59 PMUs in her residence, she became paranoid and worried about her safety. So when she encountered two of the PUMs in the building elevator, she rushed to the administration office to complain about negligence. However, in her distress, she ended up speaking loudly at the staff. She was so overwhelmed with fear that she became emotional. Her bombardment was caught in a video that has gone viral. An uproar followed, but when you think about it, any one of us could have been her.

If you’re overcoming fear, anxiety, and even panic attacks, your kidneys may be imbalanced or worn out.

According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, fear is the emotion associated with the kidneys, The kidneys act as a filter by removing toxins and excess water from the body, which produces urine. From a yoga standpoint, the kidneys have to do with the second chakra which deals with emotions. Particularly, fear, trauma, phobias, and even indecision.

During these challenging times, check how your kidneys are. We have two kidneys. They are two small organs, bean-shaped that sit in the lower back just above the waistline. The right one hangs a little lower than the left one due to the liver. For best kidney health, drink lots of water throughout the day and eat watermelon and cucumber or celery juice.

Here are some tips to help you overcome fear, to keep you from dealing with inexorable situations and emotions during the pandemic. These tips will support your kidney’s energy:

  1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day!
  2. Drink pineapple juice for its high chlorine content, which can help purge the body of wastes by stimulating urination.
  3. Drink one cup of milk with 4 cups of water and some honey twice a day to cleanse your kidneys. The best time to cleanse is during the full moon.
  4. Eat pineapple, watercress, coconut, rice, and curry on rice to stimulate the kidneys to eliminate wastes.
  5. Stomp your feet with flat feet slowly for 5 minutes a day. The feet are associated with the kidney and bladder meridians which run through the heel and to the sole of the foot.
  6. Massage your ears to strengthen your kidneys as the ears are connected to the kidney organ and meridian.

Working past our fear – online sessions and an in-person retreat

Next week’s Tune-up your Organs series will work on Stomach (Insecurity) on July 13 and Spleen (Being Centered) on July 16. The Scent and Sound Healing on July 18 is to attract the energy of prosperity and on July 31, a weekend serenity retreat in Balesin to release stress and anxiety.

Yes, it is still a highly anxious and fearful time, but be careful not to let that get the better of you.

In loving service,

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