Did you know that from Tuesday, 9-10-19 until Thursday, 09-19-19 is a palindrome week?
A palindrome is a word, a phrase or a sequence of numbers that read the same forward and backward, letter for letter, number for number or word for word. Examples are “mom”, ” madam” or “kayak”, and “A nut for a jar of tuna”, or “Borrow or rob?”

For this week, the numbers read the same forward as backward in the five-digit mm-dd-yy (month-day-year) format.

Source: Snopes

According to Aziz Inan, an electrical engineering professor at the University of Portland who calculates these dates as a hobby, strings of five-digit palindrome dates are not that rare. Since 2011, each decade has had 10 consecutive palindrome days: January 10, 2011 (1-10-11) to January 19, 2011 (1-9-11). The same sequence of dates occurred in February 2012, July 2017, August 2018 and now this week in 2019. This will be the last week of its kind for this century. The next one will happen 92 years from now in 2111.

What’s so special about numbers, you ask?

Aside from going frontward-backward, palindromes are supposedly good omens. Alex Myles says, “This phase is known to bring immense and significant change, when major transformation occurs. Overall, it is the optimum period for clearing out all old karmic energy and starting over refreshed, energized and anew.”

This is a rare and magical opportunity to close and reset major life chapters.

Aside from that, there are even more good omens coming up!
It’s a full moon this Saturday in Pisces at 12:32 pm (Manila time). This is the last Full Moon before the Equinox on September 23 and a potent time for cleansing and releasing. This is the perfect time to reflect on how you’ve been since the June solstice, bring closure to the past events and circumstances and prepare to enter into a new season. As thefallbackup recommends, this is a time of karmic lessons and to reflect on how far you have come.

Classes for the week that may help you with these kinds of transitions focus on release work: I’ll be doing a Scent and Sound Healing to release your money blocks and attract prosperity on Sunday at 10:30am, Release Stress Kundalini Yoga on Monday, September 16 at 6:30pm to release deep-seated stress to help you move through life from a grounded place, Release your Family Karma to heal and release energetic karma from your family lineage on Thursday, September 19 at 6:30pm and you can clear energetic blockages through a gong bath sound healing session.

As we’ve started the Christmas season around here, perhaps the best gift we can give is taking the first few steps to be better to ourselves.

Stay in touch, and I hope to see you in our sessions.

In loving service,

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