Since it’s Valentine’s Day next week, I’m sharing a meditation technique used in the technology of Kundalini Yoga to release the energy of the imprint of a former male partner or partners.

Second leg of the first Kundalini Yoga Level One teacher training in the Philippines, January 2018.

This meditation has the power to repair a woman’s arcline holes due to past relationships with men by eliminating the mental and physical association with these men. This will also balance their moon centers and helps them go through transitions with strength that creates stability.

What’s an arcline?

The arcline is where we hold past life memories, deep genetic memories, memories of people that we have been in direct contact with. It extends from earlobe to earlobe. Women have a second arcline which is across the chest from nipple to nipple.

The arcline is your perception, protection and projection. The function is to attract and repel different qualities of energy and store energetic consequences you have experienced and created in your life.

Many cultures recognize this as a mark of a realized transcendent consciousness. Saints and holy persons are depicted in art with a brilliant arcline by a halo, a circle of light on top of the head.

Note that if the arcline is weak, one may tend to be overprotective, easily influenced by others, inconsistency in mood and behavior and inability to focus or manifest intentions.

Try the meditation!

Men can do this too but they have to stay seated.

Lie down on the floor facing down with the chin on the floor. Place the arms by the side with the palms facing up. Focus the eyes on the brow point. Mentally chant the Kirtan Kriya Sa Ta Na Ma. Meditate on the sound current coming in through the crown of your head and flowing out through the center of the forehead creating L-shape.

As you mentally repeat the vibration of SA, gently press the thumb and the index finger. On TA, gently press the thumb and the middle finger. On NA, gently press the thumb and the ring finger, then on MA, gently press the thumb and the pinky.

Keep repeating the sequence. As you do, breathe through the nose. The breath will adjust by itself. Do this for 3 minutes and gradually progress to 11 minutes. The maximum time you can do this is 31 minutes.

Join me in Cebu

Shout out to those who have friends in Cebu, I will be doing a free intro class on March 2, then workshops on Success and Prosperity at the Gassho Center on March 3 and 4. Sound healing gong baths will be everyday that weekend at 6:30pm.

Advanced happy valentines to all. Do away with the baggage that holds you down, and may you find love.

In loving service,


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