With the New Moon in Pisces, it’s a chance for a fresh start! Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, so it’s about wrapping things up. But it’s also about getting ready for something new.

This New Moon in Pisces is like a gentle nudge to ask yourself: What stories am I ready to end? What am I ready to release? What do I want to finish? It’s about creating space for new things to come. If you want something new in your life, try focusing on finishing something old first. Imagine clearing out a closet to make room for new clothes. The energy of Pisces will help you close one chapter so you can confidently start the next.

Astrologers call this New Moon a gateway to Eclipse Season, a time of major transformation. From now until April 27, expect shifts, unexpected turns, and powerful healing opportunities. As Intuitive Astrologer says “It is very likely that all of us could be experiencing a very different reality come the end of April due to all the cosmic energies on offer.”

Feeling a little overwhelmed? The New Moon in Pisces, amplified by Jupiter’s assertive energy (in early Aries), is your chance to take charge.

To help you release emotions that are weighing you down, here’s a simple meditation:

Sit straight and comfortably. Extend both arms in front of you, palms facing up. Move both arms up and over your head as if you were scooping water and bringing it over your head. Imagine carrying your worries, hurts, problems, pain, losses, frustration, disappointments, anger, etc., in your arms, lifting them and releasing them over your head to put them behind you. Chant the mantra, Har, from the navel as the arms move over the head.  Har symbolizes the creative aspect of God, bringing closure with compassion. Continue for 3 minutes or 11 minutes.

The next two months will be a time change, so create a self-care plan to support yourself.

Consider daily walks preferably in nature, connecting with friends, yoga, meditation, or simply giving yourself permission to rest. The universe is conspiring to help you evolve, and taking care of yourself is the way to navigate this period.

If you are feeling this air of change, you may want to join us for the Lunar Eclipse weekend retreat in mid-March. It will be a restful weekend with meditation sessions and a gong bath surrounded by Mt. Banahaw’s natural beauty.

In loving service,


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