“Opportunities are just out of reach” — you aren’t the only one who feels this way. Many of us grapple with this feeling, and that’s why I’m excited to share something transformative: Sobagh Kriya, one of the most sacred and powerful meditations in Kundalini Yoga. This practice helps you connect with the abundance around you and can really shift your mindset. It has five parts, each requiring equal practice time – either 3 minutes or 11 minutes.

Sobagh Kriya is a powerful tool for prosperity. The key part of this meditation is the mantra Har, which plays a vital role in activating the manifesting potential located at the navel, using your voice and intention to create change. As you chant, remember: Speak, and it shall manifest!

I strongly recommend committing to Sobagh Kriya meditation for 40 days.

Why 40 days? Because 40 days will help you build new habits and become more open to the good things life has to offer. In Kundalini Yoga, we call this practice Suniai, which means deep listening – surrendering to what is, without fear, while remaining receptive and trusting.

Here’s how to practice Sobagh Kriya step by step. Find a comfortable seated position with a straight back, keep your eyes slightly open, and focus on the tip of your nose.

Part 1
Extend your arms parallel to the floor with palms facing down. Strike the sides of your hands along the index finger with the thumbs under the index fingers while chanting Har, then alternate with the pinky finger. Continue this alternating motion at heart level. Each time you chant Har, pull the navel in and the tip of the tongue is touching the roof of the mouth. The mantra Har is the manifesting aspect of creation.

Part 2
Raise your arms to a 60-degree angle with fingers spread wide and firm. In rhythm with Har, cross your arms alternately—right over left, then left over right.

Part 3
Form fists with your thumbs inside and press firmly. Keep your arms at a 60-degree angle while making small backward circles. Chant God rhythmically from your navel, emphasizing its transformative power. The word God has three letters: G, which generates; O, which organizes; and D, which delivers and destroys.

Part 4
Position your palms in front of your navel, right hand up and left hand down, palms facing inward. Chant Har Haray Haree, Wahe Guru in a monotone for one minute, then whisper for another minute, followed by whistling for one minute. If you’re doing this for 11 minutes – chant 6 minutes, whisper for 3 minutes and whistle for 2 minutes. The mantra breaks through creative blocks and helps you tap into your creativity.

Part 5
Raise your arms to shoulder level with the left hand underneath and right hand on top. Breathe consciously with one breath per minute: 20 seconds inhaling, holding for 20 seconds, and exhaling for 20 seconds.

Ready for change? This year can be a turning point for you if you try Sobagh Kriya. Many believe it can transform bad luck into good fortune. Try it and see how it changes your life!

In loving service,


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