Well, it’s that time of the year when all aspects of communication go haywire!
You may have been experiencing delays, misunderstandings, miscommunication or even issues with your computer. That’s because Mercury stationed retrograde last Sunday and will be there until July 31 — practically the whole month of July.

Nowadays, everyone likes to pin all mishaps down to the retrograde period.
This is really the time to go inward and do everything that starts with “Re-“ and that may be to reflect, reconsider, review, revisit, renew, restrategize, redo… etc.

One astrologer said that since the retrograde falls a few days before the Solar Eclipse, “Whatever the Eclipse stirs or brings our way, we will have time to digest, reflect, and ponder things for a while. Eclipses bring change, whereas Mercury Retrograde wants us to pause before making a change, and this will be a welcomed pause which we can all use to ensure we are stepping forward into a more authentic future, rather than one that is old, overdone, and not for our highest growth.”

It is said that during Mercury retrograde, our meditative right-brain becomes stronger and our analytical left-brain is less dominant. The result is that it’s easier to tune into our heart, hear and pay attention to our intuition. This is the time to really receive downloads and upgrade our awareness level.

Yogi Bhajan, in answer to a question about Mercury retrograde, replied “If Mercury didn’t go retrograde, we all would be out of our wits. When Mercury goes forward, it is the time to look at the world as a whole. When Mercury goes retrograde, it is time to look at oneself. Looking at every aspect of oneself is the greatest meditation of all meditations. Please let Mercury do its job and you do yours”.

I’m sharing a meditation that I taught in class last Monday to help solve any type of problem that may arise during this period.
This meditation activates the Mercury power in communication – try it!

Sit in a cross-legged position or on a chair with the spine straight. For the hand gesture (mudra), touch the thumb and pinkie finger of one hand to the thumb and pinkie finger of the other hand. Bend the ring fingers in toward the palms but do not let them touch the palms. Leave the index and middle fingers pointing straight up but not touching. Eyes are gazing towards the tip of the nose. Listen to Ang Sang Wahe Guru mantra. Do this for at least 11 minutes every day until July 31 or even longer, up to 40 days.

The Ang Sang Wahe Guru mantra eliminates haunting thoughts. As explained by Yogi Bhajan, “The word Ang Sang Wahe Guru is meant for destroying unconscious habits and unconscious thoughts for which we are not willing to go through the consequences.” He said that reciting the mantra at least 25 times a day “…will develop intuition in you that you need. It will let you see the unseen, hear the unheard, and know the unknown.”

Note that since the planet Mercury is closest to the sun, it takes 88 earth days for it to orbit the sun. So that means, we will experience retrogrades three to four times a year. If you want to plan ahead to avoid surprises, check the dates here until 2030.

And some announcements:
I have two more Kundalini Yoga classes and two more gong baths next week. I will be leading an All Night Gong Puja this Saturday, which is equivalent to 9.45 hours of sound healing gong baths or the same as a month’s worth of healing. This is specially timed before I take my next trip: to start my process as an “intern” in the Aquarian Trainer Academy in Espanola, New Mexico.

I’m very excited! I’ll be at the epicenter of Kundalini Yoga, the Hacienda Guru Ram Das Ashram, and attending all 180 hours of the month-long Kundalini Yoga Level One Teacher Training immersion program. I will be back on September 2, so please do attend a session. I’d love to see you before I go.

It is daunting, but find ways to bloom this month. Meditate and work on that ‘re’ in a time of retrograde.

See you soon.

In loving service,

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