When I had covid, I received many messages of what medicine, supplements, and vitamins to take. Still, the most common advice was to use salt – specifically to gargle with warm water and do steam inhalation with saltwater.

We take to salt naturally, it’s instinctive for some people to add salt for that extra bit of flavor. Our body needs salt. It helps our thyroid function properly, keeps our body hydrated, prevents muscle cramps, dizziness, and fatigue, and prevents low blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and coronary heart attack. The allowable daily limit is about a teaspoonful of salt, which is about 2,325 mg.

Aside from its culinary use, salt has antibacterial and antiseptic properties and is known to absorb unwanted energy and banish negativity.

Here’s seven ways to use salt for healing:

1. Reduces the early symptoms and progression of Covid-19. Research conducted by the Usher Institute showed that gargling and doing nasal irrigation with a saltwater solution reported fewer coughs and less congestion, had faster viral clearance and were less likely to use medicines from a pharmacy. For nasal irrigation, if you have a neti pot, pour the saltwater into one nostril and then the other.

2. Alleviates canker sore. I experienced a very painful canker sore last year and lost five pounds because I couldn’t eat. I was gargling with saltwater solution and placed rock salt directly onto the canker sore. Yes it is as painful as it sounds! If you can endure the pain, the rock salt will sterilize it, dry it up and close it fast.

3. Soothes sore throat fast. Gargling with a warm saltwater solution can ease swelling or itchy throat.

4. Prevents heat cramps. If you work out or run, especially in the heat, this may produce sharp pains in the arms, belly, and calves. To prevent cramps, add half a teaspoon of salt in half a liter of water.

5. Ease swelling and tenderness of ingrown toenails. Soak the injured foot in warm water with salt several times a day. Then apply antibiotic ointment and a bandage over it.

6. Clearing and charging crystals. Soak your crystals in a bowl of water with salt for a few hours.It’s good to time this during a full moon so that you lay your crystals out under the moonlight to recharge the positive natural energies.

7. Release negative connections from the day and negative thought projections from others. One of the pranic psychic defense tools is to take a handful of salt before going to bed. Say, “All negative connections to me from this day, cut!” and throw the salt in the toilet. Do this twice for the front of your body and the back.

Closing this with gratitude. It has been a challenging month, but am glad you’re here.

Hope to see you in class.

In loving service,

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