Hello from New York where I am spending my solar return.
I am here right now for some R&R before the one month teacher training immersion in Espanola.
Call it serendipity or what, it seems like the universe keeps me away during my birthday. Last year I was in Teranggu in Malaysia where I was guided to go after the yin yoga meridian training. It was the longest lunar eclipse of the century then, a total of four hours, and I was able to meditate with the great eclipse for one hour and 43 minutes.
And now here I am in this mesmerizing city soaking up art, theater and whatnot. Birthdays are special and as astrologers say, it’s more than celebrating our age. It is our personal new year and the perfect time to visualize and project how we want our coming year to manifest. Jessica Shepered says “On the days surrounding your birthday, your wishes and intentions are more potent than usual. This is because the Sun, planet of your vital will and life force, is strongly supported in the ethers. Synchronicity abounds. I’ve personally observed that events and activities surrounding your birthday carry a lot of information about the year to come. It makes sense: A new cycle is beginning, and your birthday chart kicks it off.”
So, depending on the place where you are on your birthday or to be more precise, your solar return, the angles of the planets change based on the different location where you were born and thus, may get a more auspicious aspect. Me being away from my birthplace may influence how my next 12 months will be.
Good news for next week!
Mercury goes direct on July 31 and the next day is new moon in Leo on August 1 which falls on an auspicious time of 11:11 am (Manila time). Ask yourself what did you learn during the retrograde period? Were you able to remain calm, steady as you experienced delays, disruption and even electronic malfunctions?
As I continue on my travels, I hope to keep in touch with you. Do join me on the 30-day prosperity challenge which starts on Monday, July 29. Use the hashtag #livehealbloomkundaliniyogachallenge so I can keep track of your progress.
Sharing good vibes from this end of the world. Keep raising those vibrations.
In loving service,