Did you know that Mars will be in retrograde until November 13, 2020? There are other planets other than Mercury that go on retrograde. Mars is the planet of drive, passion, energy, ambition, aggression, and war. It goes retrograde every two years, and when this happens, we lack the fuel that drives us to act and feel lazy and unmotivated. Anger and frustration may also come up, which may lead up to stress.
During this period, the goal is to go inward to understand our impulses, internal wiring, and what drives us to do the things we do. Take some time for self-care, set clear limits, work on your root chakra, and plan for the future.
Otherwise, you may feel the stress of trying to do the things you’ve planned out. No one can avoid stress. Being overworked, sleep deprivation, poor eating habits, toxic exposure, hidden infection, allergens, fear, and anxiety all add to the stress.
These stressors are cumulative, and their impact adds up in the body over time. They block the flow of life force energy in the body and could eventually lead to illness. People under chronic stress are more susceptible to viral diseases and other infections and may take longer to recover from a disease or injury.
I started the Stress Release seven-class online series yesterday. The sets in the series work on releasing the long-term effects of stress to build stamina, courage, and strength to handle the pressure, calmly and creatively. It’s a preparation to meet the challenges of thi Aquarian Age.
Sharing yesterday’s meditation to help clear your mind in times of high stress.

Meditation to know what to do if you don’t know what to do.
Sit in Easy Pose (or chair) with the spine straight. Interlace all ten fingers and put them behind your head with your elbows spread wide apart. Close your eyes and concentrate on your navel. When the music begins, pump your navel every time you hear Har. Start with 11 minutes and work up to 31 minutes.
It is said that the mantra Har Har Mukanday will help liberate you from whatever blocks or challenges that hold you back. This mantra turns challenges into opportunities, removing fear. Har is the creative aspect of manifestation and Mukanday is the liberating aspect of the self.
There’s a saying that you can’t control the world, but you can control your reaction to it. In this high-energy time, be self-aware, and look out for yourselves.
In loving service,