Tarn Taran Kaur will be back in Manila on November 4 to 9.
For the first time, her husband Tarn Taran Singh, will be joining her. This dynamic couple was mentored directly with Yogi Bhajan, who is the Master of Kundalini Yoga, starting in 1972. After only six months in the Kundalini Yoga Ashram in Tucson, Arizona, Yogiji saw their potential as teachers and community builders, and he sent them to Europe to teach Kundalini Yoga.
Yogi Bhajan gave them both the name Tarn Taran which means “one who crosses the sea of life, and shows others how to cross”. They share the same first name so together they would vibrate this great destiny to support others in their life journey.
Kundalini Yoga takes the yoga practice off the mat and into life. Yogi Bhajan had said, “A spiritual marriage is a process of amalgamation whereby the man and woman eventually become merged, retaining all of their individual strengths, while complimenting each other, supporting each other and covering each other’s weaknesses.” And that’s what they’ve been doing for half a century.
They have such a colorful history. Both were hippies who took part in the alternative youth culture in the United States. Then in the 1960’s they became active in the Vietnam War resistance, and the Civil Rights Movement. Later they began their quest for a fulfilling life style and conscious community.

Tarn Taran pregnant in Amsterdam in 1972
When they were 22-23 years old, Yogi Bhajan sent them to Amsterdam where they taught Kundalini Yoga and supported a growing yogic community. It was a daunting challenge, and they were a pregnant couple who ventured with only spirit, faith and vision. But it was in that faith that they finally saw success.

The vegetarian restaurant in Hamburg in 1975.
Then in 1975 they moved to Hamburg to establish the first Kundalini Yoga School in Germany. Here they started a vegetarian restaurant, and the European Yogi Tea business. As the yoga school grew, they established the first European Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training program to meet the requests of the students.
It’s a rare treat that they’re here in the Philippines, and for a whole week too!

Tarn Taran with Manila’s KRI certified teachers (October 2018)
We will be blessed with the depth of their knowledge and experience. Tarn Taran Kaur says, “For centuries the precious teachings of Kundalini Yoga were held in India in a very sacred, secret way. In 1969, Yogi Bhajan saw that people’s longing was very deep, and that it was the right time and space for us to go out and spread this knowledge. Not only would we fulfill our personal destinies in becoming teachers, we would help to fulfill his vision, which was to spread these teachings throughout the entire planet.”
As I won’t be holding classes and gong baths while they’re here, I urge you to join them instead. Seize the opportunity to ask how they got to where they are now, all while keeping a marriage for 47 years, raising a daughter who has established a successful career in Marriage and Family Therapy, all while teaching and mentoring all over the world. Your life will be enriched, and your spirit will be exalted. Compassion, humor, chanting, and down to earth living yoga practice is what they share.
Here’s the schedule of their classes and workshop:
November 4 (Monday): Deep Rebirthing, 6:30pm at Rebel Yoga Manila
November 5 (Tuesday): Is your mind your best friend or your worst enemy, 7pm at Anam Cara Manila
November 6 (Wednesday): Face your Fears and Heal the Pain, 7pm at Urban Ashram BGC
November 7 (Thursday): Connect to your soul with chanting, 7pm at Kabbalah Center Rockwell
November 8 (Friday):Mastery Formula for Success, 6:30pm at Anam Cara Manila (for yoga teachers, 6:30 to 8:00pm at Anam Cara Manila
November 9 (Saturday): Build Fulfilling Relationships, 9am to 6pm, 4th floor Entheos Room, Henry Sy Hall, Assumption College, San Lorenzo Makati
Their story is special. Their radiance and ease of living is an inspiration to me. And yes, Tarn Taran Singh leads heartfelt chanting as he plays guitar. Looking forward to see you and open your heart with this chanting. Hope to see you all there.
In loving service,