We know that bananas are rich in potassium, but you’re about to find out just how rich and healthy bananas are for the body. This beautiful yellow fruit is not just packed with essential vitamins and minerals, it can also help as a cleaning aid! Prepare yourself for a list of fun banana facts:

Compared to an apple, a banana has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorous (to filter waste and repair tissue and cells), five times the vitamin A and iron, and rich in potassium (helps regulate fluid balance, nerve signals, and muscle contractions). It also contains tryptophan, which triggers the brain to produce the happy hormone serotonin. It is especially suitable for us women since it provides the minerals and nutrients our body and nervous system needs.

A recipe, banana peels, and other banana benefits
If you have a hangover, make a banana milkshake sweetened with honey. It will calm the stomach and with the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels. It is also good for morning sickness and heartburns.

Don’t throw the banana peel away! The stringy white pulp on the inside of the peel can be scraped off and eaten to balance the heavy metals in the body and a good vitamin A source. You can also use it to clean and polish leather shoes and silverware and put it on any bite to help keep it from itching and getting inflamed.

A warning, though, try not to eat it unripe or overripe.
You’ll know when it’s ripe and ready to eat when all traces of green are gone from the peel, and brown or black spots have begun to appear. When the dark spots grow large and soft to the touch, the banana has become overripe.

Learn to connect with the Divine to bring balance, energy, creativity, and joy

Join the Coffee Talk to Uplift your Spirit on Saturday, October 17 from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Adarsh Kaur, the creator and teacher of the sacred body language called Celestial Communication, will talk about this moving meditation to increase prana (life force energy) and relieve the deep stress accumulated in the brain. The movement opens the heart, strengthens the aura, and magnifies the subtle and radiant bodies. Proceeds of the event will go to Grace to Be Born Pasig, a halfway home for pregnant women in crisis.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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