We have three months to go before the decade ends. Its most anticipated cosmic event, the great conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, happens on December 21. It marks the beginning of a new 200-year cycle.

According to Kabbalah astrologer Ruth Namias, the Jupiter-Saturn cycle is 20 years long, but the ‘elemental cycle’ – fire, earth, air, water – is 200 years long. We are now transitioning from the earth cycle, which started in 1802, to the air cycle. Earth is connected to material values and money, while air is related to intellect, information, and communication.

The timing also coincides with the transition to a new astrological cycle, which happens every 2,000 years. We are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Dr. Santokh Singh already warned to expect many changes and said, “We have been in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years. The official beginning of the Aquarian Age is November 11, 2011, or 11/11/11. Some people have set this date as December 21, 2012. Considering that this is a 2000 year cycle, no matter which date you accept, we are in for lots of change in the near future!”

I’ve described the transition’s effect in the six-week curriculum I prepared as one of the requirements for the Level One Teacher Training course in 2014.
I wrote in the preface of the “Kundalini Yoga for Stress Relief, a six-week 90-minute class curriculum prepared by Rosan Cruz’:

The technology of Kundalini Yoga is a powerful tool to counter energetically what is happening right now as we transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age.

According to the founder of Kundalini Yoga in the United States, Yogi Bhajan, this transition began on November 20, 2011. He described this period as a mega-faceted existence where, he said, “multi-existences will exist for the individual’s coordination.”

In the new age, there will be no more secrets; information is readily available and accessible. Old institutions of family, church, culture, and society will collapse and lose influence on us and thus produce internal and external turmoil.

He said that at first, people would try to deal with this issue with the increased use of electronic technology, attempting to use the latest device and software to sort the flood of information. The normal defense of the nervous system will accelerate, heart rate and blood rate will increase, and people will tend to fight, withdraw or fantasize more and some may even resort to taking drugs or alcohol and use violence.

He said, “The capacity of the mind will reach its optimum in order to deal with everyday life. The world will become smaller and smaller and smaller. So man’s vitality has to become larger and larger and larger.” Thus, this age will be marked by emptiness, insanity, and pain. New diseases and disorders have already propped up challenging the mind, body, and spirit. After HIV, the Ebola virus will become widespread. Stress, anxiety, depression, and fatigue are common throughout the world. Symptoms include insomnia, inability to concentrate, loss of a feeling of control, and alienation.
2020 and the gateway number 10:10
The year 2020 adds up to a 4 which is all about breakthrough on a sea of obstacles! It the year pushes us to rethink our ways, change, and pivot. It’s time to start thinking out of the box and see our life with a new perspective.

Sharing this story that makes me smile: I had a student who was desolate in April after losing her job as a lawyer. Her breakthrough was when she discovered her talent as a reiki healer to pets. She’s so successful, now juggling her time between healing sessions and speaking engagements!

Leading up to the great conjunction are three energy portals. Tomorrow we have the first – the 10:10, a decisive day in numerology that unlocks a powerful gateway of energy that is all about taking steps in a new direction.

The number 10 means a fresh start, encompassing all potential, all possibilities. Pythagoras referred to it as a karmic number of rebirth. It’s when you paid off the karmic debt, and a new cycle is beginning. 10 is a powerful manifestation number to set intentions and turn dreams into reality. And a double 10 doubles the vibrations, making it an extra powerful time to manifest and put plans into place regarding what you want your life to feel like.

There will also be another session of ‘Coffee Talk’.
We call these sessions ‘Coffee Talk’ as it isn’t a webinar or a class. It’s meant to be more casual, like having coffee with friends, so you can share and ask questions. We all learn from each other this way and make new friends!

On Saturday, October 17, at 9am, we will learn how to communicate with the Divine, with Adarsh Kaur’s talk about Celestial Communication. The proceeds of the event will go to charity.

When times are hard, finds way to give and grow. See you online.

In loving service,

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