Facing more challenges in the third week of our Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (KYTT) immersion. This journey is profoundly transformative but also demands a great deal physically and emotionally. Many participants are feeling the weight of fatigue, and it’s essential to acknowledge that this experience is a normal part of the process.

Kundalini Yoga is known for its powerful practices that aim to awaken energy and elevate consciousness. The intensity of the immersion can lead to exhaustion, and many find themselves grappling with unexpected feelings ranging from joy to frustration. It’s common to feel overwhelmed pushing physical limits that include long sessions of yoga, meditation, and study can take a toll on the body.

A primary challenge lies in balancing these physical requirements. Many participants report soreness and fatigue, which can trigger self-doubt about their potential as future teachers. This self-criticism may lead to lowered self-esteem, anxiety, and even feelings of depression.

The paradox is, this is also when the practice can help the most.

Here’s a meditation practice designed to help combat negative thought patterns and cultivate self-compassion. I’m sharing this with you in the hope that it may resonate and provide support if you’re experiencing similar feelings:

Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Focus your gaze at the tip of your nose. Relax your arms at your sides, then raise your forearms toward your chest at heart level. Form fists with your hands, pointing your thumbs straight up toward the sky. Press your fists together, ensuring that your thumbs and fists are touching while keeping your palms facing each other. Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale completely through your mouth. Inhale smoothly through your mouth, followed by an exhale through your nose. Continue this practice for 3 minutes. To conclude, inhale deeply and stretch your arms overhead, maintaining this position while taking three additional deep breaths. Gradually work up to 11 minutes.

This immersion is not just about learning how to teach yoga; it’s also an opportunity to uncover our true selves, where we will find profound insights and connections.

In loving service,


Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



Learn a simple practice designed to release your energetic blocks so you can start attracting more prosperity into your life.

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