Jupiter is in Taurus for the first time in 12 years, remaining until May 25, 2024. Taurus signifies resources, money, values, concrete results, consistency, and common sense. Jupiter is a planet of significant luck, growth, expansion, and abundance. Pure magic happens when the two pair up.

That’s why astrologers believe this transit will bring forth gifts that can teach you new methods of understanding and meeting your basic needs.

Check where this transit falls in your chart (click here to see). The house will show where you want to experience growth and abundance. The transit will shift your growth focus to material possessions, financial growth, and a desire for comfort and stability, encouraging us to take practical steps toward achieving our goals.

Intuitive Astrology says, “Jupiter and Pluto at zero degrees unlock a powerful portal of energy that we can use to manifest and create a new vision for our lives. We can also beam this energy straight into our Solar Plexus to charge up our feelings of purpose, power, and inner strength…The charging of our Solar Plexus can help to boost our feelings of motivation, helping us to get inspired to create a solid, grounded foundation for ourselves. It can also support us in bringing our intentions to life.”

I am sharing this meditation to charge up your Solar Plexus area:

Sit in Easy Pose. Spread the fingers of your left hand wide apart and place your palm flat against the heart center. The thumb stretches away from the hand and points towards the chin. Make a fist of your right hand into a fist and extend the index finger straight up. Bend the right elbow down by the side, and place this hand, palm facing forward, to the right of the right shoulder. Have the tip of the extended index finger at the level of your eyes. Chant Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Heibhee Sach, Nanak Hose Bhee Sach. Each time you chant Sach, pull the navel point towards your spine. Do this meditation for 8 minutes.

Harness this powerful transit and ask yourself these questions:

What would you like to bring stability to? What makes you feel safe and secure? What do you need to feel like you have more than enough? These questions may help you focus on where you are in your life right now and, hopefully, get the clarity you need to move forward.

In loving service,


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