While there are no strict rules, it is a common tradition among Kundalini Yogis to don white attire. This isn’t mandated by the practice, as we are encouraged to choose what resonates with us. But over time, I’ve developed a strong preference for it. Here are 2 facts I’ve picked up about the color white:

* It is a tool for expanding and nurturing the aura—our body’s electromagnetic field. The aura extends 3 to 9 feet from the physical body in all directions, forming a protective field. against diseases and negative environmental influences.

* Throughout history, white has symbolized purity, innocence, cleanliness, and simplicity, so wearing it can evoke feelings of freshness, cleanliness, and confidence.

There is a saying that goes, “If you’re having a bad day, take a cold shower and put on all white.”

This phrase captures the symbolic and practical benefits of wearing white, from shielding oneself from external influences, cultivating self-awareness, and deepening the connection to inner purity and guidance.

If you look at my closet now, it’s mostly filled with whites. There’s no particular brand for as long as it’s comfortable and made from natural fibers. My wardrobe choice has evolved and serves as a daily reminder to nurture and fortify my aura, cultivating positivity and inner peace.

So, the next time you see me wearing white, whether in class or even outside class, know that it signifies not just a fashion statement but a conscious choice to enhance my energy and deepen my spiritual practice.

What’s your favorite color? Does it have a significant meaning for you too?

This letter came about from a reader question. If you have questions about our practice, feel free to send them. Interesting ones may be written about. For more specific and personal concerns, don’t worry, they will be kept strictly confidential.

In loving service,


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