We have a total solar eclipse happening tomorrow at 3:43 pm. The solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes between the sun and the earth, it interrupts the flow of energy and causes disruption. My favorite astrologer Pam Gregory says, “Solar eclipse is a bit of a wild card; they are not steady or predictable. It can be a sudden opportunity or a sudden change in circumstance to jump back to your destiny, particularly if you’ve strayed from it.”

Tomorrow’s total solar eclipse is the last of the two-year series that began on June 5, 2020, across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. The theme focused on being open-minded and clear communication (Gemini aspect) and interest in learning new ways of living, community, and expansion, freedom (Sagittarius).

As Gregory says, eclipses will realign us to our soul path. It tends to direct us where we need to go. So, stay open to what comes your way and allow things to unfold. Reflect and ask yourself what you are resetting into new beginnings. A solar eclipse is, after all, a turbo-charged new moon that will guide you to change direction and start afresh.

The recommended yogic practice is to be near a body of water during a solar eclipse. If you are far from one, make sure you have a glass of water next to you.

Here are more things that you can do tomorrow:

1. Meditate on a mantra. Chant the Miracle Mantra, Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru, in monotone in one breath for 5 to 31 minutes. The first four words will project your infinite power out to the universe, and the second brings the Infinite energy and wisdom inside. As you chant, it will heal and activate all seven chakras. You can do this by sitting with the spine straight, your hands in Gyan Mudra on your knees, or folded in your lap. Eyes are closed and focused at the brow point.

2. Soak your feet in a basin of warm salt water for 11 minutes. If you can use a half cup of pink Himalayan salt, that is best.

3. Fast. The blood and cells are said to be regenerated at this time. So it’s highly recommended not to eat for a few hours before and after the eclipse.

Take some time to reflect on how this theme surfaced in your life in the last two years. What have you learned? What changes happened in your life? You can use this final eclipse to set an intention on what you want to attract and what experiences you want to have. Good to this now, at the start of the last month of the year.

In loving service,

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