Home sweet home!
I’m happy to be back in Manila and I am looking forward to seeing you again soon. Even though I am now unpacking, I am contemplating on my next trip, which will be to New Mexico in July.

I am so grateful that I have been accepted to serve at the KRI Aquarian Teacher Training, Level One in beautiful Northern New Mexico. I will be a “Trainer in Training” or “TNT” in this immersion program.

I’m quite excited! I’ll be at the epicenter of Kundalini Yoga, staying at the Hacienda Guru Ram Das Ashram and attending all 180 hours of the month-long immersion program.

I will experience over twenty exceptional Legacy Trainers who were trained by Yogi Bhajan himself, and learning about their best practices. This also helps me to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation as I re-study the teachings of Kundalini Yoga.

Here I will also start my process as an “intern” in the Aquarian Trainer Academy, helping with group processes and supporting the students.

For those of you who are wondering what an intern is, this is the first step to become a Kundalini Yoga Lead Teacher Trainer. I applied to the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) last year to start the long, arduous and extensive training process. I was interviewed last October by the KRI Director of Professional Development and Outreach, Hari Charn Kaur Khalsa who approved my application into the Aquarian Trainer Academy. It is the first of four levels: Intern, Associate, Professional and ultimately, Lead Trainer.

I remember how my first kundalini yoga teacher pushed me into taking the Kundalini Yoga Level One.
Actually, it was more of a shove. She kept telling me that Kundalini Yoga is a powerful practice and mandatory to one’s personal development. She said, “We are where we are in our evolution. I am personally committed (at least whatever is left of my human life) to awaken my fellow God-desses so that they can in turn be of service to the rest of the world by animating the GodSpark withIN.”

Level One Teacher Training with the late Guru Dass in Bali in 2014.

I took the Teacher Training Level One in June 2014, which was only one year after my first Kundalini Yoga class. Since there was no Level One in the Philippines, I traveled to the closest place where the Level One was offered – in Bali, with the late Guru Dass as Lead Trainer. At that time I was a full-time corporate executive, so the three one-week sessions worked well for me. I was so enthusiastic to join this Level One with twenty other beautiful souls from all over the world who heeded the call of their soul.

It was truly a healing and transformative experience which deeply changed my life. One thing for sure, I’ve become softer, more relaxed, more calm, and less stressed. To put it simply, I have become a better human being rather than a human doing. Now, more than ever, things are unfolding. I seem to be at the right place at the right time.

The good news is, my KRI Aquarian Academy mentor Tarn Taran Kaur will be the Lead Trainer for this Level One in the Philippines this November.
Tarn Taran was taught directly by Yogi Bhajan and she has trained Kundalini Yoga teachers internationally for over forty years.

The Philippines’ KRI Level One program consists of three one-week sessions starting on November 5, 2019 and ending on May 26, 2020. You’ll be saving at least US$500 by signing up early. The cost of the three-week program is US$2,700 (early bird registration fee on or before July 1), US$3,200 before September 1 and US$3,500 after. The program fee includes tuition, manuals and certification. Payment plan for the early bird rate is available. For more info, click here.

The Aquarian Teacher Training Level One here in the Philippines is the best value-for-money programm for furthering one’s study of Kundalini Yoga.
Consider the cost of the Level One immersion program in New Mexico at US$4,545 (early bird), $5,045 (standard registration) and $5,545 (late registration) plus add the cost of transportation and accommodations.

I welcome you to take this step for your personal transformation and to serve and inspire humankind. If you do take the step, warning though that it will bring your shadows into the surface and through the practice, you will learn how to cultivate the courage to address the issues that come up. So, be prepared for a new radiant you.

Speaking of a new you…sending special thanks to a loyal reader and student who took the frog challenge for the last twelve days. Congratulations, Lesi Yu! See you all on June 13 at the start of Build Your Business Intuition Four-Week Kundalini Yoga series.

Do let me know if you have questions about the Level One Philippine program and remember, register before July 1 and save $500! For more details about the Aquarian Teacher Level One in the Philippines, click here. For more information about KRI, visit www.kundaliniresearchinstitute.org.

In loving service,

P.S. I keep reading about international celebrities who are practicing Kundalini Yoga. Here is a testimonial from Angela Lindvall. It’s time for all of us to change and shift ourselves so we can shift the world. Sat Nam and see you soon!

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