Are you struggling to find time to meditate every day? A student joined one of the prosperity meditations where I challenged everyone to do the 11-minute meditation for 40 days. She sent a text last Monday: “I need your help. I want to instill discipline so I can take on the 40-day challenge. Not that easy for me, especially when I’m left alone to do it.”

When I ask people how they are with their practice, I usually get the same response. Most people find it challenging to make time or get distracted when things get busy.

Meditation helps, especially nowadays when things are so uncertain. It clears the subconscious of unwanted negative or fearful thoughts. It will help you think more positively, project positively, and thus, attract positive things to you.

Here are three tips to commit to a 40-day practice:

1. Find a regular time

Decide what time works best for you. You can do it as soon as you get up in the morning or before you get to bed. It’s like brushing your teeth. Set aside some time to sit and meditate. I meditate early in the morning. It helps me navigate my day where I am calm and focused and make decisions quickly. You can also do it during lunchtime. Find out what works best for you and make it a part of your daily routine.

2. Aim small

There’s a kriya for everything! The shortest is only 3-minutes long, like the 3-minute Har meditation, which is for prosperity. It doesn’t have to take long. If you can do 3-minutes for 40 days, then your next 40-day may be a 5 or 7-minute meditation. Do baby steps to get yourself going.

3. Don’t beat yourself up

If you miss a day, don’t blame or criticize yourself. Just start all over again the next day until you complete 40 days. Doing so will build integrity within yourself.

As you commit to a 40-day meditation practice, you will notice that you’ll learn a lot about yourself. And in the process, you will overcome laziness, ego, build willpower and transcend your patterns. You can extend the number of days longer. Practicing for 40 days breaks negative habits, 90 days establishes new habits, and 120 days confirms that new habit and integrates it into your psyche.

Message me if you need meditation to help you. You can also get this four week self-paced to raise your money energy.

Closing with a success story

A student reached out last month and said she was going through dark times. She lost her job, had no source of income, applied for jobs where they never called back after a final interview, and was going through a lawsuit against her employer for illegal dismissal. She started her meditation on August 2. On August 24, she wrote that she got hired as an executive assistant, and the final interview was so light, “Parang nag chikahan lang kami” (translation: It’s like we were just hanging out). She added, “I was expecting the magic to happen after 40 days but then [it] started coming right away. Thank you so much for letting me know which kriyas I need.”

Wondering if there’s a meditation that can help you? Contact me for a one-on-one consultation. Aside from the Tune Up Your Organs series, I’m teaching a 4-class series to help you communicate consciously. The class starts next week on September 7, and we meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00 to 8:00 pm. There will also be a Scent and Sound Healing session on Saturday, September 11, at 10:00 am to unlock the power of your heart.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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