Hello from this beautiful island of Siargao!
I’m drawn to this place as this is already my third time to do a kundalini yoga getaway retreat here. It’s beautiful, charming and not yet commercialized. Last year, the luxury travel magazine, Conde Nast named it as the best island in Asia in 2018. The editor Marianna Cerini wrote, “Siargao has remained unspoiled, remote, and still relatively under the radar despite the influx of new infrastructures in recent years.”

While it’s relatively rustic, it is one of the better islands to get away from it all. This is a wonderful destination to disconnect and recenter, even for just three days, to reflect and regain control of our life by raising our vibration and shifting energetic blocks.

Heraclitus had said, “The only constant in life is change.”
Regardless of our path or choice of spiritual practice, we will be confronted with change such as a circumstance or life event or a choice to upgrade to something better. Some may welcome change with open arms, and some may bring fear to it. But no matter what it does, what’s important is how we react to these circumstances and situations.

We all want to change with minimum fear and anxiety and maximum joy and peace of mind. We want to find more passion, more joy and more meaning in our life. We want to awaken our inner guidance and to be more in control of our life.

I find this 4 days and 3 nights getaway retreat that I’ve been facilitating in Siargao annually helps in shifting energetic blocks especially that of fear.

I am sharing a chanting meditation that I taught yesterday morning to get rid of fear. Yogi Bhajan taught this as a way “[To] control the mind’s impulse towards fear and assist one in becoming a leader; a being who creates new pathways, inspires those working with him/her and consolidates energy to reach any goal.”

The mantra is called “Aadays Tisay Aadays”.
Dr. Ramdesh refers to it as “A mantra of total humility and surrender, but the effect is one of great empowerment and upliftment. You will no longer feel it necessary to sustain yourself with pride, but will be sustained by an energy of love, of which you are a grateful part.”

The mudra with the arms raised to 60-degrees and back down will help you get rid of fear.

How to do it:
Sit on your heels with a straight spine. You can use pillows or props to help support you if you cannot sit on your heals, or you can sit either in easy pose or in a chair if needed. Stretch the arms straight out in front, parallel to the ground. The palms are flat and facing the ground; the fingers point straight forward. The arms will be shoulder-width apart, with the eyes focused at the tip of the nose.

As you chant the mantra in a continuous monotone, alternately raise the arms up to 60 degrees and then return them to their original position where the arms and elbows are held straight out firmly (not bent!), parallel to the floor.

Be fearless with this meditation

Chant as follows:
Adays: Raise arms to 60 degrees
Tisai: Arms straight out in front of you
Adays: Up to 60 degrees
Aad: Straight out in front
Aneel: Up to 60 degrees
Anaad: Straight in front
Anaahat: Up to 60 degrees
Jug jug: Straight in front
Ayko: Up to 60 degrees
Vays: Straight out in front

Try to do this for 11 minutes or up to 31 minutes. Any amount that you do regularly will have a positive effect. To end, deeply inhale, stretch the spine and hold for 10 seconds. Exhale. Repeat one more time. Relax.

Even more workshops to help you with the inevitability of change.
We’re in the thick of the last quarter of the year. It will be a full week next week with the following classes: Fight Brain Fatigue (Monday at 6:30pm), gong baths on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the start of a new 4-week kundalini yoga series to Activate the Power of Communication on Thursday at 6:30pm.

You can also learn to Balance the Chakras on Saturday at 10am, or Free yourself from Sleepless Nights with Scent and Sound Healing on Sunday at 10:30am.

And while Live the Light with Tarn Taran Kaur and Tarn Taran Singh is still in November, registration is now open and you can avail of a special early bird rate until October 15, 2019.

Closing this with a gentle reminder to take a ‘me-time’ break and reflect, recharge and reboot. We all need to find time to empower ourselves, nurture ourselves and connect to our heart and listen to that inner voice.

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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