Two students of mine taught me about Navrati, one of the most significant Hindu festival celebrations, that is being celebrated this week. The name means “nine nights” – Nava means nine in Sanskrit, and Ratri means night. From October 17 to 26 they will be celebrating the nine incarnations of Maa Durga each day.
The legend speaks about the great battle that took place between Maa Durga and the powerful demon Mahishasura. This Times of India article explains why this event is so important. It is also one of the very few events in India that honor women.
Therefore, in honor of this week’s festival to celebrate women, let me share a chanting meditation that you can dedicate to your mother to heal mother wounds.
This meditation to heal your mother wounds will shift your perspective on your relationship with her. It will help erase negative encounters between the two of you and allow deep love and connection to prevail.
When you chant the mantra Maa, It is said that it will instantly connect you to the force field of Mother Earth and align you back into the Universal rhythm and tide that lives within. In essence, you become the child, calling out to the divine Mother source. It is a powerful mantra that calls on compassion and protection.
Here’s how to do the chanting meditation:
Sit in Easy Pose (or on a chair) with a straight spine, index fingers and thumbs in Gyan Mudra, the back of your hands resting on your knees. Chant the mantra, MAAAAA 8 times per breath for 5-11 minutes.
As you chant, call upon and become one with the Divine Mother. Fill your body, aura, and inner space with the Love of the Mother.
After chanting, sit quietly and feel the nurturing MA energy in and around your body. Let Ma be present in and warm your heart

Blue Moon eve kundalini yoga class in Baguio
It’s a Blue Moon next weekend!
A Blue Moon is not necessarily color blue; it happens every two and a half years when there are two full moons within the same month. What’s so rare is that the full moon falls on Halloween, which only happens once in a blue moon, every 18 to 19 years!
All these strange cosmic events this year are pushing us to level up! This will be a perfect time to harness this powerful Taurus energy as it holds double power of that of a regular full moon. It is an ideal time to plant new seeds and ideas or look to make a significant change in a specific area of your life. I’ll be in Baguio teaching a class on the eve of the Blue Moon, on Friday, October 30, 2020 from 5:30 to 6:45 pm at Pranalaya Yoga studio. But the class will be available online via Zoom, for those who are still staying safe at home.
It’s sometimes tough to hang on, but seeing all these forecasts give a sense of hope, doesn’t it? Keep tuning in and raising those vibrations.
In loving service,