Do you have Cold Depression? Watch out for these signs:

Are you experiencing a strong desire to keep yourself busy, preoccupied? Are you easily angered, impatient or find yourself drinking several cups of coffee a day? Do you experiencing emotions that make no sense or reacting to things that you cannot explain? Do you feel a deep sense of loneliness and loss of meaning?

If you have any of the above, you may be experiencing Cold Depression. This condition is different from Clinical Depression, which is a severe mental condition distinguished by feelings of sadness, emptiness and hopelessness, sleep disturbances, tiredness and lack of energy. Cold Depression is real and is happening across populations globally. According to Yogi Bhajan in his lecture on October 17, 2000, Cold Depression is our single biggest challenge as we enter the Aquarian Age. It affects vitality and leads us to behave in ways we would not otherwise.

Many changes are happening as we transition to the Aquarian Age.

The age is at least 2,100 years long and the transition will last through 2038. The transition is marked by shifts in politics, the environment – from human rights to environmental consciousness to the rise of terrorism, xenophobia and fear-mongering. On an individual level, it’s information overload, stress, the lack of time, increased social and personal demands and wanting things bigger, faster and more.

Yogi Bhajan warned that people would suffer from this phenomena, Even the most competent, productive and intelligent people will have lost their balance. Emptiness, insanity and pain shall be everybody’s affair. He called this “The Silence of the Soul” where people are cut off from spirit, source, strength and inner guidance and find themselves insensitive to their own mind and sense of self.

The tendency is to counter this feeling of numbness by keeping oneself busy and occupied, and at times engaging in behaviour that fulfills the need for simulation such as risk taking behaviour or substance abuse. A person experiencing Cold Depression may not seem depressed to herself or others. This person is busy, active and appears energized. In fact, she gets triggered easily, often impatient and angry.

Santok Singh Khalsa in his article “The Aquarian Shift: What will be Different?” wrote, During this age, the focus is no longer on your identity and existence (“to be or not to be”) but on accepting yourself as a whole person (“be to be”) who does not need to believe in something outside of yourself.

I am sharing Santok Singh’s recommendations on how best to ride this wave of transition:

1. Have a daily spiritual practice. Do yoga, meditate, chant, pray, contemplate, journal, etc. It is not important what you are doing, but that you do something every day, and do it with an intention to let go of your blocks and focus your consciousness.
(Note: if you want the Meditation that we did in class last night to burn the Cold Depression from you so that you can feel the flow of your Infinite Spirit within you, message me).

2. Don’t give in to fear, despair, or anger. There is so much happening that can trigger these emotions: the media, the environment, politics, terrorism, etc. If you understand that these emotions are all symptoms of the Aquarian shift, then you can go through them without losing your center.

3. Don’t be a victim. You have the power to change your life. Don’t give that power away to anyone through blame or resentment. You are responsible for your happiness and grace. Don’t buy into any view of reality in which you are not 100% responsible for making your life work. The Aquarian Age is all about empowerment and consciousness.

4. Be a source of light. The more people who consciously choose to embrace the Aquarian shift, the easier this transformation will go for humanity. It is a spiritual truth that a small percentage of people who have shifted their consciousness can influence the rest of humanity. Find a way to spread your light: teach, heal, create community networks, serve, sacrifice, love.

For the remaining Release Cold Depression Kundalini Yoga series…

I will be holding “Remove Inner Conflicts” kundalini yoga on November 15 and a Renewed Self Concept, a rebirthing kundalini yoga class, on November 22 (for more info visit the Urban Energy Healer website here). Also, the Scent and Sound Healing to Activate the Energy of Gratitude on Sunday, November 18 will shift your energy and help you bring more of what you want into your life.

It is daunting, but we shall overcome. Believe, live, and bloom on.

In loving service,

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