As 2020 ends, we have powerful energies coming up! We have a full moon lunar eclipse happening on Monday, November 30. Eclipses are harbingers of change. With the lunar eclipse, the earth comes between the Sun and the moon and is said to give us some kind of cosmic reboot. The eclipse is visible here and begins when the Moon enters penumbra at 3:32 PM and ends at 7:53 PM (Philippine Standard Time).

The keyword with a full moon lunar eclipse is Change. Everything will be intense. Emotions are high and feelings are exaggerated. Eclipses get a bad rap because we get triggered easily and become upset by unexpected changes. If you’ve resisted change, then yes, this lunar eclipse may feel like a violent volcanic energy for you.

It would help to recall how you were back in June during the last eclipse.
What was going on then? Who’s involved? What were your hopes, fears, wishes? How were you experiencing it? What lessons have you learned then? Remember that this lunar eclipse provides an incredible time for emotional breakthroughs and transformations. It’s about purging and releasing, endings and releases, realizations.

After this lunar eclipse, we have a total solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 15 (12:16 am, Manila time) visible in South America. Then the much anticipated Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius, on December 21, which marks a new 200-year cycle.

As you can see, the universe is pushing us to change, transform, and evolve.
As I said in December last year, 2020 holds a frequency of brilliant new opportunities. In numerology, 2020 adds up to a 4 (2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4), which is all about breakthroughs in a sea of obstacles. 4 is the number of organization, how things work, making things work, and working towards something that means a lot to you.

Traditionally, the eve of the Full Moon is considered to be a very potent time to meditate.
So on Sunday, the eve of the Full Moon, I’ll be teaching two classes. The first one at 10:00 am is Awaken your Dormant Power Within via zoom. Warning the mediation involves doing breath of fire for 23 1/2 minutes. The second one at 4:00 pm is Create to Penetrate, a live class at Anam Cara (and zoom). I’ll be playing my Earth gong after.

If you can’t join any of the classes, do find time to meditate on your own to align your mind and heart to the deeper calling of your life.

Take care of yourself, and may these powerful portals serve you well.

In loving service,

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