We have less than two months to the next decade and so many things are happening.
Yogi Bhajan predicted that the transition from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age won’t be easy, having described it as intense Earth changes to political corruption. Even he had foreseen information overload, epidemics, depression, and inner emptiness.
Change is real and happening and the operative word is FAST. People will be, as Yogi Bhajan said, “Getting empty, more perturbed, not able to bear enough, not having much tolerance, and very argumentative.”
If we do not have the sensory capacity, we will be unable to handle the intense energy of these times. And angry we’ve already seen in the news –whether in Hong Kong, Chile, Ecuador, Iraq, and the United States.
The key to survival is really, as both Tarn Taran Singh and Tarn Taran Kaur emphasized when they were here, is to build our sensory system through breathing exercises, meditations, and exercises. This will open up our intuition and charge the glandular system. We really can no longer look outside of ourselves for the answers. They said that now is a great time to cultivate a stable base so we can prepare ourselves to receive and utilize these shifts in energies for prosperity and growth.
Thank you to you those who attended the classes from the week past.
It’s been a rich and stimulating experience with the legacy teachers.

Deep rebirthing at Rebel Yoga

Attract Prosperity for You in 2020 at Anam Cara

Face your Fears and Heal the Pain at Urban Ashram

Connect to your Soul with Changing at the Kabbalah Center Rockwell

Mastery Formula for Success Teacher’s enhancement class at Anam Cara

Build Fulfilling Relationships workshop at Assumption San Lorenzo on November 9, 2019
Back to classes next week!
First up is the Scent and Sound Healing to activate the attitude of Gratitude, which I learned from Tarn Taran’s class, unlocks the key for the flow of abundance. Then the 11-11 kundalini yoga class on Monday and Full Moon sound healing gong baths on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Just a note that November 11 is a double 11 day and the 11/11 reduces to the number 4 (1+1+1+1 = 4). 4 is the number of matter, money and physical manifestation, the 4 comes as a timely reminder that you are co-creating with the Universe. You have the ability to manifest whatever your heart desires, so do not waste it. Plus, as 2020 is a 4 Universal Year, this year’s 11/11 portal sets the tone for what the brand new decade will bring.
The following day brings one of the most bountiful Full Moons of the year! Echoing the grounded and gratifying energy of the number 4, the full moon in Taurus is a sign of tremendous abundance.
It’s been quite the year, but onward we go. Charge on, and as they say — continue raising your vibration.
In loving service,