We have intense energies coming in this December, starting with the 12:12 portal on December 12. This is one of the three cosmic portals when new light codes stream to lift us in consciousness and new levels of being.

In numerology, the number 12:12 is one of the most potent number sequences in the Universe. It represents spiritual growth, the manifestation of intentions, and awareness of our infinite being. It will heighten our vibration, activate new energy frequencies, and connect to the Universal Consciousness. As we experience it, we can go through a significant shift and period of incredible growth and abundance.

Then we have a new moon solar eclipse on Monday, December 15 (12:16 am Manila time)
New moons signal new beginnings. It’s a fertile time to plant new seeds for growth. This particular new moon solar eclipse is in the sign of Sagittarius, the explorer, adventurer – it will push us to explore our horizons, seek our highest truth, and gain new wisdom.

And the following Monday is the much anticipated Great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the solstice on December 21. According to Kabbalah astrologer Ruth Namias, the Jupiter-Saturn cycle is 20 years long, but the elemental cycle – fire, earth, air, water – is 200 years long. We are now transitioning from the earth cycle, which started in 1802, to the air cycle. Earth is connected to material values and money, while air is related to intellect, information, and communication. It is revolutionary, high-tech, and involves things that work through waves, signals, and beams.

Foreverconscious advises to “reassess some of your goals. While earth energy is very supportive for creating tangible goals, this rise of air energy wants us to be more free and fluid. It wants us to remember the power of our thoughts and that our thoughts are powerful seeds and signals of creation.”

We can no longer look outside of ourselves for the answers. More than ever, it is a great time to cultivate a stable base to prepare ourselves to receive and utilize these shifts in energies for prosperity and growth.

Next year adds up to 5 (2+0+2+1 = 5), which is expansive and bold. The attributes are endurance, adaptability, enterprising, resourceful, loves teaching, and communication forms.

Take advantage of this surge of energy coming forth to tap into the 5 aspects for the new year.

I’ll be doing a Rebirthing class on December 12, 2020, to clear out past hurts, anger, judgments, doubts, fears, behaviors, and attitudes, then the New Moon Solar Eclipse Eve class on Monday.

With this very challenging year about to come to an end – the stars have declared that we will come out of it stronger. Let’s enter this brave new year together.

See you at practice!

In loving service,

Raise Your Energy to Prosperity Challenge



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