If you do a meditation every day, here’s how it will affect you and your daily habits:

40 Days: Break any negative habits that block you from expanding

90 Days: Establish a new habit in your conscious and subconscious minds based on the effect of the kriya or mantra. It will profoundly change you.

120 Days: Confirm a new habit of consciousness created by the kriya or mantra. The positive benefits of the meditation get integrated permanently into your psyche.

1000 Days: Master the new habit of consciousness that the kriya or mantra has promised. No matter what the challenge, you can call on this new habit to serve you.

So far, the most extended meditation I’ve done is Kirtan Kriya for more than 120 days. It has completely changed my life. The meditation is to bring forgiveness to the past, drop old habits, and break addictions.

One of the Kundalini Yoga legacy teachers had said, “Meditation helps us develop our intuition which is a natural capacity within each of us that empowers us to relax, flow and be happy in our lives. With intuition, our core anxieties decrease, and our minds can become still. We are fully engaged and alert in every moment as we let the Unknown serve us. The opposite of this meditative capacity is the frantic emotional and intellectual grasping for control that most of us live in from day to day.”

Make it a habit to meditate. The best time is two hours and a half before sunrise or sunset, or Amrit vela, the magical hours when the veil that separates the day and night are thinnest.

Try this short 3-minute meditation which is perfect to start  the New Moon in Cancer :

The archetype of Cancer represents the Great Mother, the giver of life. When you do this meditation, you can connect and experience the nurturing force of the Divine Mother.

Here’s how to do it:

Sit in Easy Pose (or chair) with your spine straight. Raise your arms to the sides, bent at 90°, upper arms parallel to the ground, forearms perpendicular, palms forward, and fingertips folded onto the pads at their base, thumbs pulled back, at ear level. Bending from the lower spine, lean torso back as far as possible without falling over. Eyes are nine-tenths closed. Inhale, mentally chanting SO SO SO SO and exhale, mentally chanting during exhale, HUNG HUNG HUNG HUNG, focusing on the breath and the mantra. SO HUNG means “I am that” We awaken to and identify with the cosmic space within. Do this for no longer than 3 minutes. When you’re done, inhale and exhale, and bend from the lower spine to bow, forehead to the ground.

Do this meditation and it will liberate you from the feeling of unworthiness, ignorance and from all that is creating negativity in you and live onto positive. The new moon is the perfect opportunity to become aware of the things and beliefs you are doing that are holding you back from living your best life.

Are you feeling the difference as you meditate? Share your story to encourage others, and may we all work together towards a state of peace.

In loving service,


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