Did you know that one of the reasons why women’s emotions tend to fluctuate is because of the location of the moon center?

According to ancient yogic wisdom, both men and women are affected by the shifting phases of the moon and have “moon centers”. Men have one moon center, the chin, so it is advisable for them to naturally grow their hair on their chin to calm the effect of the moon’s energy on their nervous system.

Ladahk, India (2017)

Women have 11 moon centers. These Moon Centers activate in a 28-day cycle for 2 ½ days at each location in the body. It is said that, “As your Moon Center changes, your mood will change…you will then apply that specific quality to your projects and ideas.”

The Moon Centers do not coincide with a woman’s menstrual cycle or zodiac mood cycle. Each woman has her own unique sequence. It actually takes time, patience and keen sensitivity to chart the pattern and emotional effect of each Moon Center in the body. But once determined, women can harness the power of each moon center for healing, spiritual growth, creative power and the best days to invite love and intimacy.

Read on for a more detailed guide:

The 11 Moon Centers and what they mean
– When it is in the lower organs or the area of the thighs, you want to confirm everything, are very productive and have a high energy level.  You may find yourself making lists of all the projects you dreamed about during the month and not be happy until they are all completed.

– When it is in the clitoris, you are charming, talkative, sociable, and outgoing. This is a good time to wear a new dress to a party, make new friends, network, make telephone sales, or go to a meeting—anything in a social setting.

– When it is in the vagina, you may want to connect in a more intimate way, perhaps with a small group of people or with one other person.

– When it is around your navel point or that spinal area, you are most insecure and very vulnerable to criticism.

– When it is around the area of your breasts, you are compassionate, and giving to the extent of foolishness. You may want to watch out for boundary issues, because you will have a harder time saying “no.” It is a good time to throw a party or visit an ill friend. It is not a good time to make important personal or business decisions.

– When it is around the area of the back of the neck, you want to communicate on a very romantic frequency. One flower can make you feel crazy. You will take risks, be flirtatious and whimsical. It is a good time to try out new things; it is not a good time to make important decisions.

– When it is around the cheeks, you may be emotional, commotional, and out of control. This is a very important time not to say anything or do anything that could alienate those in your important relationships. It’s not a good time to make important decisions.

– When it is around the eyebrows, you are imaginative. This is a good time to write a poem, play with a child, and brainstorm new ideas. It is a time of expansion, sowing seeds to sprout, and going beyond the ordinary. It is a good time to imagine a new business or plan of action. It is not a good time to make decisions or go shopping.

– When it is with the earlobes, you are analytical, discuss values and what is important to you.

– When it is in the lips, you are very communicative. If you tune into yourself, you can determine if it is a good time to speak up or to keep silent. Your words may uplift and inspire or alienate and destroy. You need to use your sensitivity and be cautious.

– When it is in the hairline, you are outgoing, centered, authoritative, sensitive, all knowing, and neutral in your communication. You feel confident and self-assured. Things seem to flow and fall into place perfectly. This is a good time for anything, especially making important decisions, doing presentations, and working out relationships.

How to chart your moon cycles
Observe how you are feeling each day for a few months. Do note the general description of each moon center and their qualities. After a few months, you will be able to see a pattern. If not, message me and I will send you the meditation to balance the effects of the moon centers and help you go through natural transitions with ease and stability. It is said that the meditation has the power to repair, specifically a woman’s arc line holes due to past relationships and eliminates the mental and physical association with these men.

Follow your moon, and may it serve you well.

Hope to see you this week at the studio.

In loving service,


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