There will be a Super New Moon in Pisces this weekend at 5:00 pm (PHT). In astrology, Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, embodying themes of endings and closure. This cosmic event urges us to shift our focus towards concluding chapters and creating space rather than rushing into new beginnings. It serves as a gentle reminder that before embarking on new paths, it is essential to resolve lingering issues from the past.

As the zodiac cycle transitions from Pisces to Aries, marking the commencement of a fresh cycle, we witness a perpetual dance of change in the cosmic realm. Pisces not only symbolizes closure but also serves as a period of preparation for the future. It’s an ideal time to release both physical and emotional burdens, fostering personal growth. By embracing forgiveness and acceptance of past experiences, we can harness Pisces’ nurturing energy to help transmute negative emotions into gratitude.

To complement this reflective time, I’m sharing a 3-part meditation that focuses on healing emotional wounds from the past.

Here’s how to do it: Sit with a straight spine. Close your eyes and direct your gaze downwards towards the center of your chin. Take slow, deep breaths as you progress through the three parts of the meditation. Each step involves precise finger positions.

Start by raising your right arm in front of you at a sixty-degree angle from your body, while simultaneously positioning your left arm behind you at a matching angle, forming a straight line from front to back. Keep your elbows straight.

First, extend each hand’s index finger with the thumb securing the other fingers.

In the second part, extend both your index and pinkie fingers on both hands.

For the third part, extend all of your fingers on both hands.

To end, inhale deeply, then exhale slowly and evenly. Repeat this breathing pattern two more times. You can start with one minute for each part and gradually extend the duration to 3 minutes as you progress.

May this meditation practice bring you solace and healing during this New Moon in Pisces.

In loving service,


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