In the practice of Kundalini Yoga, we begin each session by tuning in with the sacred mantra called the Adi Mantra, Ong Namo Guru Dev Na Mo.

The Adi Mantra mantra serves as a key to attune ourselves to a specific frequency of vibration, enabling us to access the profound wisdom inherent in Kundalini Yoga. When we intone these sounds, our physical and energetic bodies resonate with the distinctive frequencies they embody, creating a powerful connection through resonance. As our energies align with the vibrations we generate, we begin to draw in and manifest events, circumstances, and environments that correspond with our energetic state.

The individual components of the Adi Mantra offer deeper insights into its power:

Ong resonates in the nasal region, activating various glands and passages in the head chamber, symbolizing the Creator.

Namo engages the abdomen, invoking reverential greetings and opening up the abdominal chamber.

Guru emanates from the heart, symbolizing the giver of wisdom and technology.

Dev resonates through the throat and into the nasal passages, bridging the throat center’s understanding with the vast knowledge of the third eye, representing transparency and God-like qualities.

Together, Ong Namo signifies calling upon infinitive creative consciousness, while Guru Dev Namo connects us with the divine teacher within, guiding us towards inner wisdom and cosmic self’s energy and knowledge.

The Adi Mantra

Tuning in with the Adi Mantra not only opens our spiritual channels but also establishes a connection to the spiritual lineage of the Golden Chain, offering protection and guidance throughout our practice.

Here’s how to tune in with the Adi Mantra

Sit with a straight spine, palms together at the heart center, and eyes gently closed, focusing on the brow point. Inhale deeply, chanting the mantra three times in one breath, then exhale and relax.

While traditionally used before Kundalini Yoga sessions, this mantra can be chanted at any time to realign with our higher self or engage in silent meditation, providing a versatile tool for spiritual alignment and personal growth.

Why not embark on a two-week journey of practicing the Adi Mantra and witness its transformative effects firsthand?

In loving service,


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